From: Out of the Darkness
By: Bob Herbert
New York Times, 17 Jan 2005 Two quotes:
"The most hopeful thing to be drawn from Mr. Dorfman's play and Ms. Kennedy's book is that effective leadership can come from anywhere, at any time. From my perspective, this is a dark moment in American history. The Treasury has been raided and the loot is being turned over by the trainload to those who are already the richest citizens in the land. We've launched a hideous war for no good reason in Iraq. And we're about to elevate to the highest law enforcement position in the land a man who helped choreograph the American effort to evade the international prohibitions against torture.
Never since his assassination in 1968 have I felt the absence of Martin Luther King more acutely. Where are today's voices of moral outrage? Where is the leadership willing to stand up and say: Enough! We've sullied ourselves enough." ------------
Perhaps today, the 'basement' of the Ebenezer Baptist Church is the virtual world of VR, DU and other gathering places of those who realize the evil threat not just to our franchise of democracy but to humanity and the planet that Bush represents.
It's Bush whose organization stole the election; it's Bush's War; it's Bush's torture mandate; it's Bush who is raiding the US Treasury and seeking to obliterate social security, our fragile environment, our civil liberties and any sense of decency and compassion for those in need.
"The Bush Opposition" needs to rise and its leaders need to be every bit as charismatic, principled and steeled as Martin Luther King Jr. Those leaders need to emerge soon; and the organization of the opposition needs to become the highest priority of any patriotic American; otherwise, "America" will be no longer.
"Bush Owns It: Let's Purge It"