(or where to get it). If you find out PLEASE share! I happened to get involved in the politics of this election because of the huge unequal way machines were distributed. (my area alone (in a 1 to 2 mile strip) had about 23 machines, and the rest of West Chester had bunches more). At first, I was only concerned with machine misallocation -- but now see that it goes much, much deeper than that.
one way to do it is to go to each District site and get a breakdown of precincts there -- not sure if they give amount of people per precinct or not.
This site has some good information:
http://www.jqjacobs.net/bush/xls/ohio.html depending on what you are looking for.
Another thing I am interested in is Amount of People who voted per machine.
If I didn't need my day job, I would be doing some investigating on this matter. In 1998 Balckwell was made Secretary of State. In 1999 (prior to the 2000 elections)
over 900 precincts were lost. This year prior to the election
over 700 were lost -- yet from 2000 to 2004 we gained over 800,000 new registered voters. I think -- for I have nothing to back this up -- that the reason the 2000 had such "low" voter turnout (63% when since 1980 it averaged over 70%) is that there was disenfranchisement on a large scale that year, but people may have just walked away (more people walked away) when they saw the lines, and that it got overshadowed by what happened in Florida.
I have the breakout of those numbers from the State Site if you want them.
Good luck, and please keep us informed!