It's alive and kicking. Problem is, most people can't see where at or how "their" (the neoCon) system is falling apart in real time. I'll provide a couple of examples, the trick is being able to link disparate pieces of info together to see the whole. It's a fun game, you should try the home version! ;-)
First the stuff you already know. The Blackwell situation with the DoJ (now that's a sticky one). Barbara Boxer whipping the stuff'n outta Condo'leeza. And their selected Prez'nit having his electors contested. See, stuff everyone can agree has happened. Easy.
Now the not so easy stuff to see. I'll only give you one.
Fox network is in the crapper because the public is actively rejecting their "programing". Not good for Fox.
(here's an article, and it's fresh stuff)<snip>
Not the executives at Fox Broadcasting. After all, the proud home of "Arrested Development" (which added Jason Bateman's best comedy actor Golden Globe to its richly stocked awards shelf Sunday night) and "24" also has "Who's Your Daddy?" chained up in the attic.
All of which puts Fox/Berman in a strategic pickle. Once they had been able to count on cheap-yet-popular reality shows to subsidize their expensive-yet-struggling jewels such as "Arrested Development." What do they do now that the Jekyll and Hyde technique seems to be faltering?
Say as little as possible, for one thing.
Say as little as possible? What?? Yeah, that's the ticket. Isn't this DU's experience with the MSM? They're saying as little as possible about what's going on in the progressive movement for the same reasons the content broadcasters are about their plummeting ratings from the "asleep" masses.
The things people are talking about on DU are taking place in multiple venues across this country. The problem is most people think their "thing" is all there is to the game. The neoCons have bet the farm on an asleep, disconnected population. But if their sedative machine breaks down, for whatever reason, then what have they got?