I have noticed in the last 2 weeks that the new political season has arrived - at least, “officially”. What exactly called my attention to this fact? My inbox was inundated once again with donation requests from every single Democratic group to have ever received donations from me.
Normally I would be pulling out my checkbook and beginning to prioritize the political needs expressed in each individual letter and slowly begin the dole. Only this year, I am in a complete quandary about what to do. I sent letters and emails to most of these groups post November 2, as I was working through my grief and I was very clear that I had no intention of contributing another dime to any Democratic effort unless the party got behind the effort to investigate the problems reported with the Presidential election. I got back a few of your typical form letter, “Thank you for contacting my office . . . “ but not a single response regarding my concerns about the election.
But of course, a new political season has begun and I guess perhaps they thought what? That I would forget? I doubt it. More likely, no one ever read my letters or took them seriously if they did. To further compound my problem, I am at odds with just about everyone on this. I am getting, “if you don’t support the system, how are you going to help change the system?” and “if you turn your back on the Dem party, who are you going to vote for? What will you do?” And when I answer I think giving money to the Dems right now is like throwing money into a well, they all shake their heads. They don’t say out loud, but I can read it in their eyes, “Oh please, not another rant about the voting machines or how the Republicans stole another one ….”
Clearly I still consider myself a Democrat! And of course I would do anything to help the Dems win the WH in ’08, or win back seats in ’06 but I honestly do not believe either of those things will happen if the party does not get behind this effort. And I mean ALL of them – not just Boxer and Conyers, Nadler, Wexler, etc. I do not mean to denigrate the efforts that are being made by these brave few but I do not think they can accomplish this without the full weight of the party behind them.
I argued again tonight with my spouse and friends. This is what worries me. These people are Democrats and they do not believe this so how are we ever going to convince others that this is essential? I finally got 2 of them to agree to read 50 pages – any 50 pages I give them. I came home and have gone through my notebooks of links and printouts --- pages and pages, trying to discern which 50 pages would best summarize the extent of what has occurred, and be the most likely to convince. That is no easy choice. The good news is there was plenty to choose from, the bad news is what if I choose unwisely? Here is my chance to pull someone else on board – maybe, just maybe.
I finally settled on Armando’s Challenge – largely because the number of pages roughly matches what I got my friends to agree to read - and, it is a fairly easy read. But I am posting to see if anyone has a suggestion they think would be better. All I want is to spark enough interest to suck them in. Then hopefully they will want to read through more of what I have filed. So if any of you think another report would be more convincing, please suggest it. Thanks.