According to a presentation by Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil Giron to the Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners on May 25th, 2004, after completion of a county canvas... "Your county canvas gets sent to my office, we canvas your results, then we turn our results and our canvas over to an independent auditing firm...
Although not explicitly stated, what could be inferred by the sequence of her statement is that there is an independent auditing firm that either receives or perhaps receives and audits the canvass of votes.
Does anyone know WHICH independent auditing firm does this? What procedures do they use to review the canvass? What procedure is used to report back their findings? How much do they get paid for all this?
HG Source of quote - pages 16-17 www.co.santa-fe.nm.us/agenda/2004_agendas/05_may/052504minutes.pdf