Re: Thank you
Dear Friend,
I wanted to send an email to say thank you for the kind and powerful words you wrote me last week.
History has shown us that the right to vote has always demanded vigilance, responsibility and hard work from citizens and legislators alike. And the sad fact is disenfranchisement continues even today.
Thanks to your support, Senator Boxer and I we were able to use these facts to force the senate into a public debate on voting rights. But that was only the beginning. Now the Senate must act to correct the errors and injustice of the voting system still visible in the 2004 election. It is a fight that I promise you I will champion as Democratic leader.
Although I was able to help enact landmark reforms in ballot box protection for my home state of Nevada this year, suppression efforts were still made. Calls, which we were unable to trace, told voters that Election Day was November 3rd, not November 2nd. And our registration process was also tainted by the proven destruction of Democratic voter registration forms.
We know that in Ohio and across the country, precincts with large minority populations had disproportionately long lines because there weren't enough voting machines in those precincts. And blanket challenges to Ohio voters were merely a thinly veiled effort to suppress the vote.
During the next session of Congress we face many other tough battles including the fight to save Social Security from the Republican plan to phase it out in favor of benefit cuts and private accounts. Social Security is America's promise of retirement security, but through news reports and White House leaks, we know the President intends to break this promise in order to reward Wall Street with windfalls.
We're up against some very powerful opponents, and to win this fight you and I will need to work side by side, from battles on the Senate floor to debates in cities and towns around this nation. Together we can make sure the values of fairness, security and opportunity survive the Republican onslaught and remain a part of the American experience.
To help our work together, in the next few weeks I plan on launching Democrats.gov, which will introduce new methods of citizen participation in Government. I will be in touch with you during this time to let you know how you can get involved and strengthen your voice in government.
Once again thank you for your letters and kind words. They meant more to me than you could ever know.
Harry Reid