I just Googled "2004 election fraud" this morning and obtained 1,550,000 hits. Likewise, I Googled "2004 election theft" and obtained 571,000 hits. That is obviously way too much information to wrap my head around. That is why I am starting this thread.
I would appreciate DUers helping me identify and briefly evaluate the myriad of internet sites and/or organizations which now exist that are focused on the problems with the 2004 election. I am trying to identify those sites and/or organizations which would be most appropriate to help us fund, organize, convene and populate our proposed national conference on the 2004 election in Nashville in the late spring.
So DUers, please respond to this thread by listing any and all internet sites and/or organizations that you consider the "best". By best, I mean that they are comprehensive, thorough and up-to-date with their 2004 election coverage and formulating a response to that election; they are on "our side" of the issue and/or they represent a large constituency of readers and/or members. (How about listing the top five, in your opinion.) Likewise, if you want to weigh in on those sites/organizations that you are not impressed with, this is the place to do it.
To get the ball rolling, I have included a very incomplete list of sites that were drawn from two recent posts on DU. I know this list is not comprehensive (that's the purpose of this post) and the sites on this list are not rank-ordered in any particular way. (Well, o.k., DU is listed at the top because it is the best IMHO.) So please give me your advice and opinions. Which are the best (and worst) internet-based sites and/or organizations on the problems with the 2004 election,and (briefly) why? If the national conference on the 2004 election occurs, which of these groups would you most want to be involved in making the conference a success? Thanks for your input. -------- Preliminary list:
www.democraticunderground.com www.freepress.org www.redefeatbush.org www.votecobb.org www.justiceforbush.com www.indyvoter.org www.ballotintegrity.org www.whatreallyhappened.com www.votescam.com www.truthout.org www.caseohio.org www.nashuaadvocate.blogspot.com www.votersunite.org www.globalresearch.ca www.nov2truth.org www.bradblog.com www.51capitals.com www.rawstory.com www,blackboxvoting.com www.blackboxvoting.org www.shadowbox.i8.com www.velvetrevolution.us www.opednews.com www.dailykos.com www.legitgov.org www.countdown.msnbc.com www.bluelemur.com www.buzzflash.com www.chuckherrin.com www.flcv.com www.northnet.org www.helpamericacount.org www.voteprotect.org