That being said, as with any propoganda, there must be some obvious and popular truth in the message in order to carry the falsehoods. In this case, it is obvious that the 'truth' is in regard to the indellible impression that election fraud in the US has left on the rest of the world.
Consider this: were there WMDs in Iraq? At one point, the answer was yes (we sold them to Iraq). At the time of the Iraq War, the answer was no. Yet, this fact did not stop the war. Nor has the lie about WMDs brought down those who peddled this lie.
Now consider this: was/is there voter fraud in the US? There is substantial evidence that the answer is yes, though the extent remains undetermined. Yet, this fact did not bring down those who committed the fraud.
The world at large knows there were no WMDs, and knew it before we invaded. The world at large knows there was/is voter fraud in the US. Unfortunately, it looks like enemies of the US will be able to use this sad fact against us, as is happening in this article.
I hope that I am wrong about these things, and I pray for the protection of all of us against those who would do us harm.