Edited on Tue Jan-18-05 05:07 PM by Botany
Nathan Sproul paid people to look like ACT (America Coming Together) in Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona to collect voter registrations and then had people go through the lists and purge any democratic registrations. He also had people kicked out of South Dakota for illegal campaign activities. Those people than went on to work in Ohio. Nathan Sproul went to a White House Christmas party as the invited guest of bush.
In New Mexico every precinct that voted on opti scan equipment went to bush.
In Oklahoma machine in many counties counted backward for Kerry. Interestingly enough some progressive ideas on the exact same ballot passed.
In Wyoming they had something like a 106% turn out of registered voters.
In (I think) 8 counties in Indiana a straight party ticket for the democrats had the voted flipped to a 3rd party candidate. A straight party republican vote awarded the presidential vote to bush.
All these facts can be checked out. Liberal press my ASS!
And one last time I am from Ohio. I saw and heard voter fraud first hand.
God Bless Boxer, Conyers, Tubb Jones, and so on for standing up for what was and will always be the right thing. And curses on ALL the democrats who did not stand up on 1/6/05. Anything else is just so much talk.