linking Mitofsky and various exploits of his to the unification church, which is a front for Opus Dei (which is just another front for "the brotherhood", Illuminati, freemasons, Knights of Malta, Council of National Policy, etc. Same shit, and we have links to establish their "oneness"), but we are still looking for a more concrete link between Mitofsky himself and a unification church front group/business.
If anyone can help...
"Investigative Research Specialists, 1390 Chain Bridge Road, Suite
10, McLean VA 22101, Tel: 703-356-5922, Fax: 703-852-3886.
List of Moon Fronts. 1992. 28 pages.
The list of Moon front organizations was originally published in the
early 1980s by Ex-Moon, Inc., a group of former Unification Church
members. For the past seven years Investigative Research Specialists
has been identi- fying entities that are closely associated with the
Unification Movement.
Included in this list are business, religious, cultural, political,
and media front groups which are owned, operated, or controlled by
the Unification Movement. It is important to remember that there can
be other businesses in the U.S. with the same name. Before you assume
a business or group is associated with Sun Myung Moon's Unification
Movement, check it out closely. If you have questions or corrections
about a group, or information about groups not listed, please contact
Investigative Research Specialists so that we may keep the list
-- Larry Zilliox Jr.
Compile a name index for this source""
Under Warren Mitofsky's expolits, are groups and groups of links tying him to Sun Myung Moon Unification Church, a parliament of the Opus.
--------------- Weyrich and The Moons of Opus-Dei's regularly involved with them.
Then, let me explain a little about this. Namebase is used to track. The real sources are books, so information here is tracked by ISBN numbers- These books and sources are available everywhere, so the person who sees them will understand.
More on Mitofsky, ready to pass on. NAMEBASE Breakdown:'s connected with Edison Media Research name came up on NB from that article:
* Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1996