is co-sponsoring an exciting conference led by Progressive Democrats of America:
Building the Progressive Movement
Inside and Outside the Democratic Party!
January 21st - 23rd A. Clarke School of Law Auditorium
University of the District of Columbia
4200 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
(Van Ness-UDC stop on the Red Line) members will meet from 5-8 p.m. on Friday for an open discussion. Even if you can't attend the conference, you're welcome to join us!
Scheduled Speakers include:
Amy Goodman
Medea Benjamin
Tom Hayden
James Zogby
Rev. Lennox Yearwood
John Bonifaz
William Rivers Pitt
Gary Flowers
Kim Gandy
and many more... Agenda Includes:
* Strengthening the progressive forces with in the Democratic Party
* Building a grassroots movement unifying progressives inside and outside the Democratic Party
* How to communicate a progressive message to a hostile and conservative media
* Connecting with progressives from your state and your congressional district to build local coalitions dedicated to working for jobs, peace, justice and transformation
* Strategies and the future of the progressive movement within the Democratic Party Summit will be filled with experienced speakers in the progressive movement, informational workshops, and other useful information for progressive activists and organizations both inside and outside the Democratic Party. It will also include meetings with progressive Congressional leaders, state Progressive Democratic Caucus breakouts, and panel discussions and workshops. Together we can devise a workable strategy to take back our democracy, our economy, and our institutions from the moneyed interests and the military industrial complex now controlling them.
The timing of the Summit, during the weekend of the Presidential Inaugural Celebration, is significant. This is a critical time for creating a powerful grassroots presence in our nation's capitol and sending a clear message that the Progressive movement is alive and growing. It will be a gathering you won't want to miss.
Register now!