would more than make up for any potential Rossi gains in provisional ballots. Re felons--the reinstatement of voting rights list is probably not up to date.
I could live with a revote if touchscreens were not used, but basically I'm just damned pissed that the Dems roll over and concede defeat all the time and the Rethugs never do. I'm glad they didn't this time. Don't tell me Rossi would have accepted a 42 vote machine recount lead by Gregoire, or that he gave a flying fuck about election errors until the manual recount was done. There must have been some reason that Reed was willing to certify.
This is from Paul Berendt on talking points--
Talking Points: (are the bolded ones true?)
To overturn an election it is not enough to simply state mistakes were made, you must prove illegal votes would have changed the outcome of the election.
The election contest statute clearly states an election can only be set aside if there is evidence that the outcome would be changed. The Republicans have no such evidence at this point; in fact, their case states that they want time to find evidence.
A court decision calling for them to set aside an election would require evidence of fraud. The Adams County case the republicans are referring to claiming that errors in and of themselves are enough to warrant having the election set aside actually involved fraudulent alteration and possible illegal voters. No one, including the Republicans and Dino Rossi, is claiming fraud in this case.
The GOP Lawsuit: Admissions of Their Own Vulnerabilities
The Rossi Campaign has decided not to challenge the certification of this election and the inauguration of Governor Gregoire. Rossi’s team has realized that they can't prove that Rossi won the election and they are not even going to try. With no evidence of fraud, Rossi is asking for an open ended fishing expedition. Rossi cannot prove fraud in the election; instead he is saying he still has questions and would like more time to look for evidence of fraud. There is nothing new in the lawsuit. Rather than indisputable evidence Rossi won the election. Rossi’s team is making a series of accusations hoping that something sticks. The standards that apply to these sorts of lawsuits are very demanding and they should be. You have to show not just that there were mistakes—that happens in every election. You have to show that there were mistakes that would change the result. There is no evidence of that.
There is no statute or case precedent authorizing a revote in a gubernatorial race. A re-vote would require an amendment to the Washington State Constitution. The Constitution requires gubernatorial elections can occur only "at the same time and place of voting as for the members of the legislature" (Article III, section 1) and at general elections, which occur in November. It would require amending the constitution for the Governor to be elected separate from the Legislature. A Constitutional amendment requires approval by 2/3 vote of each house of the legislature and the people would have to approve the amendment at the next regular general election in November 2005 (Washington Constitution, Article XXIII, Section 1).
Republican Claims There is Legal Precedent for a Re-Vote are unfounded. Cases involving officials other than statewide executive officers are not relevant for several reasons. The Washington Constitution states that contests for statewide executive officers shall be determined "by the legislature," not the courts (Washington Constitution Article III, § 4). The Court’s ability to order a new vote in an election is limited by the Constitution's specific provisions for gubernatorial elections.
Chris Gregoire Won This Election
This was a close election. Chris Gregoire is the clear, final winner after a transparent hand count, led by the Republican Secretary of State, and observed by both parties. The process followed state law (supported by Dino Rossi when he was a senator) and is now over. The election was checked double checked, and triple checked by bipartisan teams of election officials, workers and observers. It’s time to begin addressing the challenges facing our state.
Rossi refusing to follow the rules
State law clearly states that a hand count is the final count. Now that Rossi has lost that count, he is trying to change the rules and have a “do-over."
We Finished the Most Accurate Vote Count in State History
Votes have been checked, double checked and triple checked under the eyes of thousands of Democratic and Republican county auditors, observers, and elections officials, giving ample opportunity for counties to correct any errors. In the hand count, every precinct is manually counted by teams who must cross-verify their counts. The result is compared to the results from the prior machine count and any difference between the two is investigated and resolved. This approach combines the benefits of both types of count and is far more accurate than either a machine count alone or a manual count alone.
As reported in the Seattle Times 12/29/04 “your questions answered” article, “Under Washington state law, the hand recount is reserved for only the closest elections. John Pearson, the state's deputy elections director, said the most accurate recount is when a machine recount is combined with a manual one, such as in this election, so the counts can be compared and rectified.
Rossi and GOP are making wild, unproven claims about ballot problems
Republicans are using wrong data in order to make unsubstantiated claims about ‘phantom voters.’ GOP never asked for the right records and never gave uditors a chance to explain before making those wild allegations. Republicans used reports from voter registration data bases, not the actual record of who was issued a ballot contained in the poll books and absentee ballots records. County auditors agree that these are baseless allegations. As reported in the Seattle Times, county auditors have said that the GOP’s numbers are flat out wrong.
Provisional Ballots
Republicans claim provisional ballots were tossed into the mix without ever properly being checked to ensure that they were legal votes. However, even if this were true over 90% of all provisional ballots cast in King County were determined to be legal votes. Based on Gregoire’s performance, King County would have had to have counted thousands of unchecked provisional ballots in order to change the election results. The bottom line: after weeks of crying foul, Republicans still have produced no hard evidence of fraud.
Dino Rossi Is Shamefully Misleading Military Voters and Their Families
Fact: the Secretary of State’s Office reports very few complaints from military voters. When Democrats went to the State Supreme Court to be sure that every ballot was counted, Dino Rossi intervened to stop this from happening. Having won the case in the Supreme Court, they are changing their minds because they are behind.
Military voters can use the Federal Write-in Ballot (FWAB) if their absentee ballot does not arrive on time. The military has officers in every unit called Voting Assistance Officers who are to brief all members of the military and hand out registration materials and voting guides. The FWAB's don't even have to be postmarked - they just have to arrive no later than certification day giving military voters had an extra two weeks to get their ballots in. Unlike other voters members of the military can fax, and in some cases email their votes. Lots of soldiers invoked that right. Rossi should stop misleading and using military families to create false doubts about the election process. Sincerely, Paul Berendt Chair, Washington State Democrats