Some of us are starting a LETTER OF THE WEEK feature here that will provide sample letters that you can use on one forum-selected topic per week, and contact information, mostly aimed at helping Congress focus on our issues, to support progressives in Congress who are taking brave stances against the BushCons, and to encourage others to join them. Barbara Boxer wrote that she had 40,000 letters backing her up in her tough interrogation of Condaleeza Rice this week. This inspired us to want to do more.
See our forum beginnings at first letter, however, is aimed at the media, just for today, to encourage them to provide coverage of the DC protests--the people who represent the majority of Americans in disapproving of George W. Bush's war (disapproval of the war at nearly 60%)! (WE are the majority!)
Here is an easy MEDIA BLASTER by which you can send one of these sample letters, or your own letter, out to dozens and dozens of news organizations, all at once. Just cut and paste the four sets of media email addresses into your email program, cut and paste your letter, and SEND:
Dear (any news organization)
I urge you to take the occasion of the Bush Regime's inauguration to evaluate the American peoples' disapproval of his war, now up to almost 60%. The people who are protesting his inauguration in DC today speak for most Americans. That's what these opinion polls are saying.
Please treat these representatives of the majority fairly and fully in your coverage of this event. You should know that you are also being evaluated on your fulfillment of your duty as journalists and as a news organization. That same 60% or so majority who disapprove of Bush's war, are also dismayed at your failure to question this regime on its many lies, hypocrisies, wretched policies and crimes.
Many people are now seeking out alternative news sources because we feel misrepresented and misinformed by the news media. We expect tough questioning of this Regime—such as that of Senator Barbara Boxer in her questioning of Condaleeza Rice about Iraq, in the recent hearing. We expect tough investigation, such as that conducted by Congressman John Conyers on election fraud. We expect news organizations to stand in opposition to the powers that be, not in collusion with them. And we expect protesters, who represent a majority of Americans, to be given at least equal time with George Bush.
Dear (to TV news organizations)
The real story of January 20, 2005, is that Americans' disapproval of Bush's war stands at almost 60%. The real story is therefore outside the vetted crowds of the coronation ceremony among the people who are fed up with this regime and have come to DC to protest it, with colorful signs reading, "Stop your murderous war!", "Bring the troops home!," "Count every vote," and "Don't rob the elderly!" These protesters are the true face of America as it expresses its rejection of the most unpopular president in American history.
The real story can also be found all around the country where people will be turning away from their TV screens in disgust at this regime, which has no concept of how ordinary people live in this catastrophically mismanaged country.
You wonder why your news ratings are dropping? It's because you don't cover the real story.
SAMPLE LETTER #3: (a somewhat funnier version of the above)
Dear (any TV news organization):
You wonder why your news ratings are dropping?
It's because the Bush Regime is boring and their coronation is boring. Same old imperial bloodshed in foreign wars, debt and deprivation at home, and the country's treasury squandered on gold crowns, ermine lined coronation capes and opulent balls.
People have seen this before for thousands and thousands of years. They would rather have a real democracy, with all its free speech, diversity and healthy skepticism. And they would rather have help with their medical bills, finding jobs and surviving in this BushWhacked economy. And they would rather have their sons and daughters home from foreign wars, healthy and whole. THAT would interest them--leaders who care!
So, get creative! Start thinking for yourselves, and cover the REAL news--like all those protesters out there under the cold DC sky with their colorful signs and rebellious ideas. ("Count every vote!", "Bring the troops home!", "Stop your murderous war!" "Don't rob the elderly!") THAT's news. Bush is not.
As a matter of fact, nearly 60% of Americans disapprove of Bush's major project, the Iraq war. The protesters represent a majority of the people. Please treat them accordingly. They are NOT boring. And people will like to see THEIR representatives in Washington.