Irrational, inhuman policies can never be good for anyone, not even for those who support them and try to rationalize, justify them, or talk around them with false, doublespeak.
I've always believed, and still do, that humans who want to have power and control over others at the expense of the human inside all of us.. these humans know, somewhere deep inside, that they are wrong and that they have lost something very precious.. their own humanity and the ability of other humans to to show them their own honesty, integrity, and humanity.
I like that quote from William Drummond I saw this morning in someone's signature, where he says that "He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave."
I would say the same thing about speaking up with reason. I mean, there are very few Dems in Washington daring to speak out for what's right. It was a real shocker for me to learn today that even Hillary Clinton is touting the virtues of faith-based initiatives, saying further that it's OK for the line between church and state to blur a bit. OUCH!