Dear Working Families e-Activist:
We're very close to reaching our goal of 100,000 signatures on the petition to protect Social Security by the end of today, Inauguration Day—but we only have hours to go and urgently need your action.
If you haven't already signed the petition, please do so now. A copy of your signed petition will go automatically to your members of Congress so they know where you stand. Click this link: If you've signed the petition, please click below to urge at least five people to sign the petition: Right now, the Bush administration is using the Social Security administration—and Social Security funds—to promote its political agenda to privatize Social Security. Its recorded phone messages and annual reports to workers are stirring up unfounded fears and basically announcing Social Security's death sentence if we don't make drastic changes now. The New York Times reports, "agency employees have complained to Social Security officials that they are being conscripted into a political battle over the future of the program. They question the accuracy of recent statements by the agency, and they say that money from the Social Security trust fund should not be used for such advocacy."
That's what we're up against—and why your extra efforts to sign this petition to protect Social Security is so important. Please take action now by clicking this link: In addition to the administration's PR campaign, Bush's allies are raising huge sums for TV ads to push privatization. After the inauguration, the PR blitz will really get hot. Once you have signed the petition, please urge others to do so as well.
Click here: you for acting to protect Social Security for working families.