I wore a black ribbon yesterday simply to protest Shrub and all the deaths in Iraq. These deaths are needless and senseless. I got asked about 4 times yesterday why I was wearing a black ribbon. Was I in mourning? Yes, I replied, puffing out my chest and thereby displaying the ribbon all the more prominently. I told them I was in mourning for all our troops; for our Democracy which took a beating again yesterday due to the King's Coronation. As I was speaking with the third of my inquirers, I realized that my mourning will not end until Shrub is brought down and our troops are returned to their families. At that point, I made a resolution to myself. I will wear a black ribbon proudly until such time as the King is ousted and the war is over. Every day as I pin the ribbon on my blouse, I shall pray to my Higher Power to give us all strength in fighting for our rights and our troops. I propose this as a silent protest. A daily reminder of all the things wrong in our country and the mountains we will all climb as we take our country back. I had even more inquiries today. I look forward to more tomorrow. Every time someone asks about my ribbon will be a chance for me to speak out and perhaps sway the minds of those less educated than we.
My message is simple: Educate yourself. Your freedom depends on it.
Will anyone join me? It's not so much, really. Just a little piece of ribbon. But already, two lives have changed because of mine. Two more are now willing to look beyond what they are fed from MSM. Two more (who incidentally both voted for Bush not so long ago) have realized that there is a problem. The revolution will not be televised. It will be in the streets every day. It will be fueled by those of us putting out the message. Maybe a little black ribbon isn't much, but if it gives me a forum, then I say "Why not?"