Edited on Sat Jan-22-05 03:03 PM by Amaryllis
This came from Patricia Axelrod Saturday. A little sketchy in details but of interest. Below it I posted another press release from earlier in the week for those who may not have seen it, that gives more details.
“George Bush was taking the oath of the Presidency just about the same time I was swearing under oath about how he might have stolen the election,” says Patricia Axelrod. Axelrod – a writer and researcher – spent Inauguration Day in court battling for the release of the Nevada public election records she says may prove that George Bush stole the election.
Two and a half hours passed as Axelrod argued pro sea against Deputy Attorney General Joshua Hicks and Rhonda Moore Secretary of State in charge of elections. Moore took the stand to defend against Axelrod’s charge of illegally withholding the public records generated by the 2004 presidential election. The Court battle heated up as Axelrod repeatedly charged Moore with perjury reminding the official “that she was under oath.” until Judge William Maddox cut off her cross examination with a threat of contempt of court and jail. Surprisingly after the smoke had settled The First Judicial Court of Nevada had ruled in favor of Axelrod and ordered the Nevada Secretary of State to allow the activist full access to the 2004 Presidential Election public records as well as to just cause why the State should charge a $1.00 per page copy cost.
Judge Maddox ruled against Axelrod’s request of the Court to hold Nevada State in contempt of court and he altogether refused to hear the researcher’s separate motion to hold The Secretary of State and The Attorney General in contempt of court for what the litigant was colluding “with malice aforethought to undermine” the 'lawful right and benefit’ to the public records she began requesting November 3.
Axelrod says, “I won’t call George Bush President until it is proven that he won the election fair, square, and democratically.”
This released earlier this past week: NEVADA INAUGURAL DAY SHOWDOWN AND COURT ROOM DRAMA PROMISED. Public invited.
NEVADA LEGAL SHOWDOWN – Patricia Axelrod vs State of Nevada - SET FOR INAUGURATION DAY, JAN 20, 1:30PM, in the First Judicial Court of the State of Nevada, 885 E. Musser, before Judge William Maddox. January 20, Carson City, Nevada, 1:30 PM, Judge William Maddox is expected to order Dean Heller, the Nevada Secretary of State, to surrender the public records of the Nevada 2004 Presidential Election to citizen activist/writer Patricia Axelrod. George Bush claimed victory in Nevada and Axelrod says she wants to see in black and white how the State was won.
Axelrod sued the State of Nevada December 7 charging The Secretary of State with unlawfully withholding public records. December 21, the State moved to dismiss the case. That same day Judge Maddox gave the Secretary a deadline of January 11 to show just cause – under oath - why the State could not produce the records. A hearing on the matter was set for January 18. On January 11 the Secretary violated the direct court order and produced another motion to dismiss rather than an explanation as to why the State could not produce the records. January 18, Deputy Attorney General Joshua Hicks claiming stomach flue asked the court for a sick day off and requested an extension that Axelrod agreed to until January 20.
George Bush won Nevada by 22,000 votes but Patricia Axelrod believes human malfeasance, malfunctioning electronic voting machines, and simple error may have swayed the election outcome away from John Kerry and she has asked for the records to confirm or deny her hypothesis. Axelrod says she first agreeably asked for the records only resorting to litigation after the Nevada Secretary of State became increasingly hostile to her Public Records request. “I knew it was time to sue when Rhonda Moore, the Nevada Secretary of State in Charge of Elections told me she was charging me $1.00 per page for every copy of every public record she saw fit to release if and when she chose to. Moore drove me to court when she set the Capitol Police on me to silence my objections.”
Axelrod, whose work has earned her a John D. and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Research and Writing Grant as well as a Project Censored Award, explains that her preliminary investigation into Nevada county and state vote tabulations and outcomes reveals unexplained under and over votes and a disparity between the number of ballots issued and the number of votes cast. There is a significant and unexplained post election increase in the voter’s registration total Axelrod claims, and votes cast in small precincts have disappeared into cyber space.
Nevada Secretary of State, Dean Heller and Attorney General Brain Sandoval are rising Republican stars. Each has been openly publicly supportive of George Bush. Heller frequently campaigned for the Bush re-election. Sandoval, currently under consideration for a Federal Judgeship, headed up the Nevada Bush re-election effort for which he was rewarded with prime time Republican convention face time. “Heller and Sandoval’s serious commitment to the Bush re-election surely helped the President win Nevada says Axelrod, “Inauguration Day is a great day for this suit to come to court.”
Edited to add this, since several have asked about links: THere are no links. Patricia's phone number and email address were attached, but I was reluctant to post those here. It came from a source I trust from Alliance for Democracy who has access to a lot of sources. Sometimes there is a woman named Audrey who sends out the press releases for Patricia. The one from earlier in the week came from Audrey, but again, I am reluctant to post her email and phone here. I did check with my source at Alliance for Democracy and she said they were legit.