This was posted a few days ago in another forum. I thought it deserved a repost here, for all who haven't seen it. ************
I am sorry to have been so quiet for the last week. I wanted to give you a report that may brighten this otherwise dark day for America!
We have been working to have all the election investigative and reform groups come together in a large United coalition similar to United for Peace and Justice. It is happening quite quickly, It will be called USE- United For Secure Elections, we do not have our own website yet, we are working off www.votersunite.org !
It seems that there is another large coalition of citizens activist groups forming called the IPPN. We are trying to merge these 2 groups and will be giving you further reports. If it all works out then the operating principles will be very close to the UFPJ, where every group has their autonomy but also acts in cooperation too!
One of the major goals of this United For Secure Elections is the continued investigations of the fraud, further legal actions and election reform. We are trying to hammer out a unified voting system for all federal elections. This is a difficult task, everyone has very strong opinions about this.
What many of us are leaning towards is Paper Ballots and Hand Counts at the precinct level as recommended by Lynn Landes and the National Ballot Integrity Project.
Since this is a Democracy, I would like your views on this subject and I will be hand tallying them myself so PLEASE keep the e-mails short and to the point!!!
Please review the draft doc above and www.ballotintegrity.org , www.Openvotingconsortium.org and any other sites you have found on voting systems and send me an e-mail with your top 3 thoughts about the subject. I have read almost everything I can find on the computer so you do not have to tell me about anything in detail. If there is a link you want me to go to then just include the URL. If you have an attachment that is not well publicized but well researched and well written then send it. Please, if your e-mails are too wordy I will have to just delete it! I am trying to be Democratic about this process so please do not disrespect my time or my e-mail box! Concisely tell me your top 3 thoughts!!!!!
There is 1 organization who is doing valuable work and you may not have heard of them, www.uscountvotes.org , they are documenting this election and investigating it precinct by precinct across the country. This National Data Base is going to be extremely helpful to us both legislatively and in legal cases. If you can donate some money or time; if you are a lawyer or a statistician, then please do so, it will really help, they have paypal at the site!!!
In Solidarity For Real Democracy Here in America Dr. Lora Chamberlain Progressive Democrats of Illinois drlora@ameritech.net