ActionItem request to TBO;24/7Prior to Tuesday morning, 7am EST, 25 Jan 2005 TBO;24/7 requests that you send the following email to all your representatives in the 109th US Congress, as well as to ‘the media.’
Subject: Who is the traitor that exposed Ms Valerie Plame?Dear Congressperson (Senator) ___________,
Prior to the debate regarding Ms Rice's appointment to Secretary of State or any further consideration of Mr Gonzales as Attorney General (or any other appointment) we demand an answer to the identity of the person or persons involved in the traitorous act of exposing CIA agent, Ms Valerie Plame.
Was it Mr Bush?
Was it Ms Rice?
Was it Mr Cheney?
Was it Mr Gonzales?
Or, was it some other Neocon member of the Bush administration?
Did Ms Rice expose Ms Plame to send a message to American patriots in the CIA to keep their mouths shut in the 9/11 investigation?
Did Ms Rice expose Ms Plame to send a message to American patriots in the CIA (and other intelligence agencies) to keep their mouths shut regarding the truth about Iraq WMD ?
Did Mr Gonzales expose Ms Plame to send a message to American patriots in the CIA to keep their mouths shut in all torture investigations (Iraq, Gitmo, world-wide)?
Did Mr Bush or Mr Cheney have Ms Plame exposed to send a message to American patriots in the CIA, other intelligence agencies, Departments of State and Defense, to keep their mouths shut about the PNAC Neocon agenda regarding Iraq, Iran, China, Latin America and elsewhere?
“We The People of the United States of America…” want an answer, immediately.
You are Our representatives and before you confirm Ms Rice, Mr Gonzales or any other official in the Bush administration we want the entire truth fully revealed regarding the unpatriotic, criminal act of exposing Ms Plame.
This is a matter of deep concern to our ability to trust our Government to not take vengeful actions against those patriots who are most comprehensively entrusted with our Nation's security and the vital role that dependable intelligence contributes to National security decisions. What was done to Ms Plame represents a direct message to all those involved in the intelligence community that political expediency matters more than the TRUTH.
Thank you.