<I have seen a umber of posts advocating State-level vote reform (absolutely needed too). Here is an example of what is being done in my home state. I think it would be beneficial if we share with each other what our local organizations are doing in regards to election reform/fraud.>
Posted here:
http://www.independentmediasource.com/hawaii_happenings.htmSubject: SIGN SAFE VOTE HAWAII'S PETITION!!
Dear Friends,
You've all received numerous emails from me regarding election irregularities and
here is something you can do RIGHT NOW -- REAL FAST-- REAL EASY. Show your support
for VVPAT -- Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail legislation in Hawaii by signing
Safe Vote Hawaii's petition! We need grassroots support NOW! National Voter
Reform must happen in order for us to reclaim our democracy and regain confidence in
knowing the every vote is counted accurately and is verifiable by an auditable paper
trail. In Hawaii we can help to lead the way.
I am forwarding this important message to all of you from Russell Castagnaro, member
of Safe Vote Hawaii. 30 seconds to sign the petition and then forward this to your
friends and family in your network. Aloha,
----- Original Message -----
From: Russell Castagnaro
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:13 AM
Dear Friends,
You all know how important voting is in a democracy. Don't forget that a vote is
useless if
it is not counted correctly, or if voters don't have confidence in the
system. I'm in favor of electronic voting, if and only if the electronic
voting system is at least as dependable as the existing paper
system. I've created a petition that will be sent to Hawaii
legislative leaders next week. Please sign it (electronically) and
pass it on to your friends.
If you would like to learn more, please sign the petition then check
http://www.safevotehawaii.com/>Please sign the petition:
Safe Vote Bill: Support for Hawaii Bill on Electronic Voting
http://www.thePetitionSite.com/takeaction/343402613<http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/343402613>Please help by signing this petition. It takes 30 seconds and will really help.
Please follow this link:
The system centralizes signature collection to provide consolidated, useful reports
for petition authors and targets. Please forward this email to others you believe
share your concern. To view additional petitions, please click here:
http://www.thePetitionSite.com<http://www.thepetitionsite.com/> Thank you
To add your name to this petition go to:
http://www.thePetitionSite.com/takeaction/343402613<http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/343402613>*Signers may choose to hide their identity to the public. Such names will appear as
"Anonymous" on the PetitionSite.com and advocacy emails similar to this. (The
signature number above may not match the number assigned to your signature on the
first page of the petition.) To view additional petitions, please click here:
Best regards,
Russell Castagnaro