He is the idiot who said such low blow things about Boxer, like in her letter asking for our support to help her ask the hard questions, there was a donation button; he brought up the electoral challenge.
Here is my letter, which I cc'd to some other Senators (listed below) and the media:
January 26, 2005
Dear Senator Cornyn:
I must take exception to your disparaging remarks about our Senator, Barbara Boxer, in yesterday's debate over the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice.
You don't seem to understand, Senator, when you accuse Senator Boxer of asking for our donations, that she really doesn't even need to ask. Many of us are so hungry to see the kind of integrity and courage that she has exhibited twice now, in challenging Ohio's electoral votes, and in bravely voting against the confirmation of Ms. Rice, that we would just about give her the shirts off our backs if she needed them. We would mortgage our houses, sell our cars, to see this breath of courageous honesty prevail and spread through both the Senate and the House.
You and some of your colleagues could learn from Senator Boxer and the other courageous Senators she has inspired to finally stand up and speak out. You could learn that integrity is by far the most appealing attribute in an elected official. I don't know how this country has gotten so far away from this, but we have to start heading back toward what is honest and real. Forget about telling people who they can marry, or what a woman can or cannot do with her body. From where I sit, those are just excuses and means of hiding the truth about REAL values, like who is lying, who is doing what they said they would, and who has the real interests of the people who elected them at heart.
These are real values that you and Condoleezza Rice don't seem to possess, like integrity and the courage to admit mistakes. It's never too late to repent and do something good for a change! The world will be watching you.
Name, address, phone
Cc: major media; Senators Boxer, Lugar, Feinstein, Frist, Dayton, Biden, Kennedy, Bayh, Byrd, Durbin, Reed, McCain, Chafee, Jeffords