Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 01:04 PM by RaulVB
After the Republicans stole 2 elections and the Democrats agreed to "give them away", and they are in a path of destruction or about to become irrelevant, they had this historic opportunity to show honor and respect for permanent values shared by a large majority of the human race.
As Senator Dayton from Minnesota, told us yesterday:
- The war on Iraq was based on lies told by Rice or repeated by Rice.
- The human rights of thousands of innocents have been violated thanks to Rice's participation
- This war has had a huge cost on both lives and the national treasure of the USA
- 1.390 American troops dead, about 50.000 Iraqis, 11.000 mutilated American troops
- Today 35 MARINES HAVE DIED IN IRAQ. The largest day of casualties in a war zone since VIETNAM.
The Senators who voted against the crimes of Rice are (I'm missing one name):
Akaka Bayh Byrd Boxer Dayton Durbin Jeffords Reed (RI) Harkin Kennedy Kerry Lautenberg Levin
To the rest of the so called "Democrats", a question asked before in this country:
Do they understand what's wrong and what's right?
How do you tell the families of the dead that what you did was "decent" or done "for the country"?...
I'll send a letter to the Senators that voted against Rice. They deserve my respect, indeed.