Edited on Thu Jan-27-05 08:56 PM by Mr. Progress
Not sure is this is against rules, but here is a snippit from website right now.
Online Chat:
Moderator said: Thanks so much for all your questions - in excess of four thousand of them! We are so sorry we were delayed at the start due to circumstances beyond our control - we'll let you decide which conspiracy theory you want to atribute to it. That said, we were so grateful to Michael for hanging around and answering so many questions and staying on for the extra hour. Michael has now left the chat. Dont forget, a transcript of this event will be available tomorrow at www.channel4.com/community Thanks and goodbye from all at Channel4.
politics student wants to know: "I know I feel scared when I think about where this world could be heading. Whats your biggest fear or hope for the future?"
Michael Moore said: That people will educate themselves because information is the fear killer. Information, knowledge, enlightenment reduces fear level and helps you make rational decisions and that's my biggest hope.I know that watching the film tonight it must have been especially hard and pajnful knowing what we didn't know before we made the film - even the audience knew the outcome of the election in Nov and to think that this administration is going to put the world through another 4 years of this... is enough to make anyone sick. I feel on some level that the film did a lot of good in educating millions of americans as to what was going on - we got 7 million more peoiple to vote for kerry than voted for gore 4 years ago, but it's not the movie's name on the ballot it's the candidate and he wasn't everything we had hoped for. I have to be honest and say that i feel that i and others who worked around the clock to remove George W Bush that our sense of having failed weighs on us greatly because we didn't just fail ourselves and our country we failed you and the rest of the world, you were counting on us to get the job done and we didn't get the job done. I don't know what to say other than i'm not giving up and neither are millions of americans and i'm counting on you to not give up so that we can stop blair and bush - we owe it to the world and people of iraq. I remain cautiously optimistic that the people of each of our countries will rise to the occasion and do the right thing.
Ruben P. wants to know: "Right now, most networks in the USA seem rather.. biased. Insufficient or incorrect information is given a lot of times, How can that ever be changed?"
Michael Moore said: It can be changed by people constantly exposing their lies and half truths - their biases. It can be changed by people creating their own media by using the net to share information with each other.
matt wants to know: "hey micheal. Have you ever thought of running for President?"
Michael Moore said: No - there's a weight limit at the white house ;)
Sue Jolliffe wants to know: "Michael, in your opinion, why do you think the US public voted George Bush in again for a second term."
Michael Moore said: As the film says - fear works. Bush and his people did a masterful job of scaring US people into believing that if they didn't vote for him they would die. Crazy as that sounds - that's the magic that they worked. Fear will transcend everything.
James Watterson wants to know: "Do you think the UK government tried to bully the BBC news coverage over the "sexed up" dossier for war and after the Hutton report?"
Michael Moore said: 34. Oh absolutely and the BBC should not be backing down - whatever minor mistakes were made they pale in comparison to the tragic mistakes made by the Blair govt. No Brit has died as a result of what the BBC has done.
Oskar P. Einarsson wants to know: "Can you name at least one good thing (as agreed upon by all sides) that George W. Bush has done for U.S.A. since Jan. 2001?"
Michael Moore said: He's kind to his pets and he has raised two beautiful daughters.
anthony wants to know: "Had 9/11 not happened...would Bush of won a 2nd Term?"
Michael Moore said: No I don't.
Jeremy wants to know: "Hey Mike, I heard that you are going to make a Fahrenheit 9/11 2 is that true?? Take care and keep up the good work! Jeremy, Hopedale MA"
Michael Moore said: We'll have to see.
FrenchStudent wants to know: "When did you begin making Fahrenheit ? "
Michael Moore said: Like I said I started thinking about a week after sept 11th - the actual work on it took about a year and a half.
Ross Murray wants to know: "do you think that GWB could be held accountable in the future for his actions in Iraq?"
Michael Moore said: In a just world he would be but I don't see that happening. Unfortunately i think it's the american people who will pay the price for his deeds.
Phil G wants to know: "Do you think that the success of Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ, a film based around Christian beliefs told us more about how the American public would vote rather than your own Farenheit 911?"
Michael Moore said: Yes.
James Watterson wants to know: "Do you think Bush really intends to attack Iran given the chaos and death toll in Iraq ?"
Michael Moore said: Yes i do but I don't think they won't do it the same way, I think they have learned their lesson but there are other ways for them to create havoc in Iran and in other countries.
Sabrina wants to know: "Did you get any good election fraud footage that you intend on using for a new documentary? We love you Michael Moore!!!!"
Michael Moore said: I don't usually talk too much about what I'm doing when i'm doing it. I'll just leave it at that :)
stuart c. wants to know: "why did so many democrats vote to confirm condoleeza rice? why was this such a slam dunk for her?"
Michael Moore said: It was a disgusting sight and indicative of who the Democrats are - they are lazy and they're cowards and I'm just hoping that the more they continue to act like that the more it will encourage Americans to run against them and put the US back in the hands of the working class where it belongs.
Cheryl Iantorno wants to know: "How best can we help the process of bringing the troops home, besides thanking those brave representatives?"
Michael Moore said: We need a massive anti-war movement that has to come from the US and UK, unlike the 60s it's impetus will not be from our campuses but rather it will come from our returning soldiers and the mothers and fathers of those who have lost their children in this war - they will become the core of the anti-war movement.
raymond danford wants to know: "Do you think Bush will finish out his second term or do you think one or more of the many scandals will catch up with him?"
Michael Moore said: You've just recited my nightly prayer thank you amen - we can only hope!
Debra Egan wants to know: "As a member of the military want to thank-you for all your hard work and devotion to helping the troops. Its too bad our government does not listen. "
Michael Moore said: Thank you for saying that and thank you for your service to your country and my deepest regrets that you and others who offered up this gift to us to defend us, if neccesary. it has everything to do with lining the pockets of the benfactors of George W Bush and Tony Blair.
Richard wants to know: "I know you may not have asked for this, but due to your courage in fighting for the truth, you have become a leader in the fight for justice in this country. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by this responsibility?? "
Michael Moore said: Not until you just said that - ohhh my back!!! Wait a minute argh there! I'm ok now :)
Greg (United States-IL) wants to know: "Hey,Mike-Are you going to expose the truth of the corrupt American tobacco companies, and if so, are you interviewing a CEO, in your next movie, "Sicko"? (That I'm highly anticipating)!"
Michael Moore said: No I think everyone knows the truth that they are corrupt already and i need to make films about things that people aren't quite aware of yet.
Harry Whittingham wants to know: "Michael, how did you respond to being made a suicide bomber in Trey Parker's recent film Team America? It seemed a tad unjust and targetless in whom it poked fun at. Cheers."
Michael Moore said: I have't seen the movie.
Graeme B. wants to know: "Michael you have been accused of manipulating/editing to show various facts/people in a negative light, whats your response to these aligations?"
Michael Moore said: I'm sorry you must have me confused with the sun! What's that other horrible one...the telegraph?! That's the one that tries to look like they re respectable right? All of the facts in my fils are irrefutable and you are welcome to go to my website where i have back up for each one and you can log on and see for yourself. The opinions in my movies are my own. I happen to think they are right because they are mine. I may not be, Yours may be right. It's to stimulate conversationm and debate and I hope I have done that.
Matt wants to know: "What do you make of the recent events showing British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners?"
Michael Moore said: In the words of the great george michael the poodle learns well from the master. The war itself is an act of immorality so every act by brit and american troops is an act of abuse and i feel very badly for those young men and women inthe UK and american armed forces who are there. as i said in the film - the larger immoral act begets many of the smaller immoral acts. Once we correct the larger imoral act and bring these kids home, the better. They are in the middle of a dispicable situation and I'm sure many of them have lost their moral compass and it makes me very sad. These kids who join up to serve in the Brit military - they volunteer to give up their lives, if necc to defend the UK and they should only be used in endeavours that have something to do with defending the lives of the british public and Iraq was not a threat to great britain and neither are the poor on Falls roads. Oops! Stick to the subject!
RM wants to know: "WHY DON'T YOU GO TO CANADA AND LIVE!!!"
Michael Moore said: I already live in something that resembles Canada it's called the State of Michigan - your governor here was born in canada and I always enjoy questions like this from people who somehow believe that they are more American than myself or others who question what's going on. But, you know don't knock the canadians alright? They're good people they believe that if you get sick it's a human right the you see a doctor and hey they still have the queen on the money!The canadians knew that you brits that you would just get bored with them and leave! They've got their own country without firing a gun! LOL The brits ar eleaving and they're going can we keep the queen on the money?!
J Alexander wants to know: "do you feel a moral superiority over individuals who do not think like you, isn't that what you want people to do?"
Michael Moore said: No, I do not. I respect all people including and especialy those who have an opposing viewpoint to mine i believe debate is healthy and discussion is good. It would be a scary world if we all operated with one mind. I don't believe that I have a moral superiority and not only that but I am constantly questionning my own morality. My feet are never in cement I'm always looking for ways to challenge how I see the world.
Mia Goodall wants to know: "Do you think there is any hope that the rest of the world will ever respect the United states again ?"
Michael Moore said: Yes, i think as soon as we get the white house back in the hands of the majority of this country. It's a majority who does not believe in the Bush administration, but unfortunately too many of them don't vote. I think that the US owes an apology to the Iraqi people and we need to make a commitment to make reparations to the damage they have done and British government would do well to join in.
wants to know: "Mr. Moore, If you are so concerned about helping our troops in Iraq, why don't you donate 100% of the money from your movies to that cause?"
Michael Moore said: I haven't seen a dime from this movie! My question then to you is what are you doing to try and stop this war I will promise you that i will donate as much of my time as i can in the coming months to see that anti Bush movement transfornms itself into a massive anti war movement so we can bring these troops home.
upyourego wants to know: "A lot of British people took a major interest in the presendential election in the US and as far as I can work out the next BIG chance to cause any change is in our general election in a few months. Which party are you backing, should Tony Blair and the Labour party be given 'one more chance' or is it really time for change?"
Michael Moore said: The labour party shold remove Tony Blair. As an Americam I don't really have a right to say any of this as it's your problem but it affects the rest of the world too. I wish there was an alterantive so that you wouldn't have to put a stamp of approval on what Blair has done. Did the liberal democrats ever get their shit together?
Andrew Burt wants to know: "Hi Mike, Well done at the People's Choice Awards, but do you regret pulling out of best documentary to run for Best Picture at the Oscars?"
Michael Moore said: Not at all, i had to pull our of best doc because the rules would not allow me to show fahrenheit 911 on TV before the nov election and that is what i wanted to do. I wanted as many americans as possible to see this film before voting and so by putting it on tv the film was disqualified by the rules of the academy. I just found out today that the academy has now changed the rules and will no longer prohibit a documentary from being aired on TV. It was more important to me to remove Bush than getting my second oscar.
George Ramirez wants to know: "What do you feel to be the biggest concern we should have about the policies that will be put forth by the Bush administration over the next four years?"
Michael Moore said: They are going to try and shift as much wealth from the middle class to the upper class as they can in these next 4 years - turning the middle class into the working poor. Number two they are going to attempt various acts of aggression against other countries around the world they will not all take the form of a ground invasion like they did in Iraq they have seen the folly in that so they will try other means to commit acts of violence and overthrow govts. Maybe they'll go back to the old way when saddam was their friend and just write cheques its a lot less bloody! LOL
Moderator said: You should be seeing Michaels answers appearing here.
Moderator said: We are currently running, after serious technical issues outwith our control.
Marc wants to know: "Before the showing of Farhenheit 911, you mentioned you had footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon and that you would show it on the film. To date, I have not seen the actual footage. Do you still have it and if so, why haven't you shown it to the world. Thank You. "
Michael Moore said: Just the opposite. I said that I don't have and no one has seen it and isn't it strange that no one saw it. We saw the twin tower planes a thousand times over. Having filmed at the petagon and noticed how the roof and parking lot - there must be a 100 cameras surrounding it at least if not more. There is footgae from numerous angles and we have never seen that. Why is that? I'm not suggesting there wasn't a plane i'm saying there is a reason why the governemtn doesn't want the world to see the plane hitting the pentagon and I'd like to know why that is.
ElectrO wants to know: "What are your views on how Bush used Religion to get the vote of the people as well as using all the negative campaigns against Kerry?"
Michael Moore said: Bush and the republicans have no shame and will resort to anything in order to win. The democrats show up to a gun fight with a butter knife and thus they lose.
David Haddrell wants to know: "Do you think there is a chance Jeb Bush will stand for presidency in 2008 and if so will you join me in hibernating deep in the Swiss Alps?"
Michael Moore said: Me laughs - why go to switzerland when freezing your ass off in canada is so close? I think he will yes. The deomcrats are going to have a very hard time winning the next election the republicans have a number of star players and the democrats have a lot of wimps and losers.
Nick Hill wants to know: "Do you ever fear for your personal safety? Have you ever had a run-in with a particularly irate Republican?"
Michael Moore said: The only tike I fear for my safety is when I think about stopping at McDonald's - the big mac will kill me long before those who have hacked and stopped this webchat tonight.
Chris Marsh wants to know: "If you had a short interview with George W. Bush, what would be the most important thing for you to ask him?"
Michael Moore said: Would you kindly pee in this cup?
Jeremy Dumkrieger wants to know: "Michael At what point did you say to yourself, I have to make Fahrenheit 9-11, I have to tell the American people the truth. "
Michael Moore said: Before I take this first question, I want to say that I feel really bad that Channel 4 innocently thought "wouldn't it be nice if had a film maker do a webchat" and unfortunately people of Channel 4 don't live in the US and didn't anticipate that certain americans when they learned of this webchat did not see it as a webchat with a film maker but with the devil himself and they discussed throughout the week how and what they could do to stop it. So my apologies to the Britsh audience who logged in thursday night to have this (the only one I have agreed to do this year) only to be prohibited to having this discussion with thanks to the lunatic right wing in the US. In answer to Jeremy's question . . .it was probably on a drivbe back across the country the week after sept 11th listening to Talk radio and people's response across the country and realising that americans didn't quite understand how the world felt about us.
Moderator said: We are solving the technical issue we are having with the chat.
Moderator said: We have been having serious issues with the chat and will give more information as we have it.
Moderator said: We are edging closer to our start time of 11:30pm... the chat will last around an hour.
Moderator said: There will be a transcript of this chat available on the
http://www.channel4.com/community website tomorrow.
Moderator said: We will be starting the chat in 30 minutes, it should last around an hour.
Moderator said: Only an hour to go... we will be starting the chat at 11:30pm GMT.
Moderator said: Keep the questions coming, we will be starting a 11:30pm.
Moderator said: Thanks for entering the chat room. Michael will be joining us as planned at 11.30pm GMT - look forward to seeing you back here later.