....modify, but, most importantly, stay in our representatives faces, 24/7. They work for us.
* and his neocon cabal are all ours now; let's make sure they know we intend to hold them totally accountable for their crimes and we intend to expose the fact that they stole another election as part of their treasonous efforts to undermine our Constitution.
Dear Congressperson or Senator ____________,
an enduring american legacy: the Children of Iraqhttp://www.zonaeuropa.com/01467.htm You are looking at images of the consequences of a Constitution-violating, preemptive, illegal war against a sovereign Nation -- Iraq. These young folk would probably appreciate a break from the American variety of freedom and 'democracy.'
No wonder that Thomas Friedman reports the following after a few recent days in Europe:
“Let me put this as bluntly as I can: There is nothing that the Europeans want to hear from George Bush, there is nothing that they will listen to from George Bush that will change their minds about him or the Iraq war or U.S. foreign policy. Mr. Bush is more widely and deeply disliked in Europe than any U.S. president in history. Some people here must have a good thing to say about him, but I haven't met them yet.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/27/opinion/27fried.html?oref=login&hpAnointing Ms Rice as SoS, I’m sure did much to dispel that opinion – NOT.
To the extent we document the election fraud and disenfranchisement on 2 Nov 2004, force indictments, force prosecution, and work to impeach Bush, we may, eventually, recover some respect for America.
That will only happen if "We The People of the United States of America..." do it; the Bush neocon, theocratic cabal is forever despised and discredited, as they should be.
As our representative, I expect you fully to support Congressman Conyers’ investigations.
As our representative, I expect you to author and support a resolution demanding the immediate removal of US troops from our illegal occupation of Iraq.
As our representative, I expect you to demand a full investigation of Bush and every member of his cabal who perpetrated an unjust, illegal and un-Constitutional war; the killings of countless innocent Iraqi citizens; and the torture of countless Iraqi’s and others.
And I expect you will do everything you can to prevent Mr Gonzales from being appointed AG.
Thank you,