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Iraq recount! Stay tune!

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
Eye See You Donating Member (115 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 01:49 PM
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Iraq recount! Stay tune!
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Have a family vacation in Iraq.

The Iraqi election is a propaganda trophy for the Bush administration. It’s similar to the elections held in Vietnam during the sixties. It is a fake window display to show the world our altruistic intention. The CIA and the Pentagon has rigged elections in foreign countries for decades. This is no secret, it’s very well documented. When an election does not go the way US imperialism desires then the US orchestrates a military coup. Then a right wing dictatorship is established. Then in the year of 2000, the American election was rigged and it succeeded. If it worked in foreign countries then it will work here. Bush and his NeoCons has not just obstructed their opposition but eviscerated them. Nothing will stop Bush. All the protests, documentaries, books, news articles, or news stories has not stopped the Bush juggernaut. Bush is cocky and brazen. The American people are in a state of denial like the German people during the Nazi regime of 1930’s. If you look at Nazi propaganda film reels you see Hitler was portrayed as nice guy. You see him kissing children and petting dogs. He was a regular Joe. The same shit with Bush. What a swell guy! The American people go on with their lives and believe the government knows what it’s doing. Karl Roves is cultivating a Reagan appeal to Bush. And he is succeeding! The opposition, the so-called left is demonized as these dirty un-American Socialists who support Islamic terrorists. You know it’s not true and I know it’s Bull. But the rest of the nation thinks it’s true. The only way Bush and his NeoCons are going to be stopped is 2 things: A total economic collapse, which is likely or chasm in the military. Back in Germany 1944, some high ranking Nazi officers realized Hitler was insane. So they plotted and attempted an assassination of Hitler. It failed. Back in ancient Rome a bunch of senators stabbed Caesar to death what is known now as: The night of the long knives. Bush has alienated not only the brass but the soldiers themselves. In the last election, soldiers voted for Kerry in a landslide. This was not reported in any news media. The troops do not have supplies or medical care. The injured soldiers come home to the USA with shitty health care. One soldier was lying in a vet hospital and had a heart attack. Nobody came to his rescue. He died. When the head doctor was asked why, he replied: it’s Clintons fault! Bush has pissed off the CIA. John F.Kennedy did that and you see what happen to him? Eventually Bush is going a hit a wall sooner or later.
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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 03:28 PM
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1. You're so right, E.
(I'm not sure this belongs in Election 2004, but it's definitely an Election!!

Anyway, I've always said that the Iraqi election is meant for American consumption. Americans are so easily sold over, that even if Bushco just displays the bare minimum of "democracy" and "voting", we buy it. And of course, he knows it.

We will give him more patience, more time, more deaths, more $$billions$$, more hatred and abuse directed toward us, just because we believe in the symbols.

Style above substance.

Anyway, thanks E. for posting!! :smoke:

And welcome to the DU:party:
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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 01:13 PM
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2. Hi Eye See You!!
Welcome to DU!! :toast:
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