Breakers: Facts about Electronic Elections
Contact: Ellen Theisen
John Gideon
January 20th, 2005
Port Ludlow, Washington - The second edition of "Myth Breakers" is now available on the VotersUnite.Org website. This compendium of facts about electronic elections is an updated version of "Myth Breakers for Election Officials," released in April of 2004.
The first edition was distributed to at least 839 county election officials and innumerable others including Congress, state legislators, and journalists. The document was also testimony in three court cases related to electronic voting.
"We're hoping the new edition is distributed even more widely. Our decision-makers need solid, factual information in order to make wise decisions about election systems — decisions some of them are in the process of making right now," said Ellen Theisen, Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org and author of the document.
Like the first edition, the new release contains well-documented, fully-footnoted facts about:
- HAVA misconceptions, such as the false belief that HAVA requires electronic voting
- the inadequate performance of electronic election equipment in past elections
- price comparisons for election systems
- HAVA-compliant alternatives to DREs
- some of the sources of the misinformation
The second edition is updated with news reports about the performance of election systems in the 2004 General Election, additional information about the testing and certification process for voting systems, and more details about the complexities added by the use of software to run elections.
Journalists and concerned citizens, as well as decision-makers, are invited to download and read the document, which is freely available at: media release is available at: