Sample letter to Democratic Senators who voted FOR Condoleeza Rice for Secretary of State. Please edit this letter according to individual Senators' behavior in the Jan. 24-25 debate and vote. For instance, Senators Biden and Harry Reid (Minority Leader), although they voted for Rice, spoke strongly in defense of the "Heroic 13" who opposed, AND spoke to the truth of what they said about Rice.
Note: "Senator Sold-Out-to-the-Forces-of-Evil" is a joke for DUers. I do not at all suggest that you use it in addressing Senators whom we wish to convince to join the progressive coalition.
SUBJECT: Arrogance of Rice, Gonzales appt.'s, relationship to 2004 Election Fraud
Dear Senator Sold-Out-to-the-Forces-of-Evil:
Your vote in favor of Condoleeza Rice on Wednesday puts you way out of the mainstream of American public opinion. The thirteen Senators who voted against this nomination were the only ones representing the majority of Americans, nearly 60% of whom oppose the Iraq war.
We were lied to on Iraq. We were manipulated and propagandized. And over 100,000 innocent Iraqis were slaughtered, and over 1,300 U.S. Soldiers were killed, and we now have a disaster in Iraq the likes of which we have not seen since Vietnam, and the architect and spokesperson for all of this was Condoleeza Rice.
Now they present us with Alberto Gonzales, the writer of the torture memos, for head of domestic law enforcement. His views on torture and his toady attitude towards Bush make him unfit for this office. I'm also concerned about enforcement of election law. Given the flagrant misconduct by Republican election officials in Ohio, and given our egregiously non-transparent election system nationwide, we need a civic minded A.G.--hardly a description of Gonzales.
These Bush’s nominations are an insult to Congress, to the American people, and to democracy itself. Are mass murder and torture and endless lying now to be our “moral values”?
I fear for our country. I am convinced these people committed massive election fraud, not only because the evidence is very strong--indeed, it is overwhelming—but also because I will never believe that a majority of Americans voted for these policies.
How do we get out of this mess—of stolen elections, of illegal wars, of false and hypocritical “values,” and of massive thievery and corporate domination of our country and its foreign policy?
I imagine you’ve given it some thought. Here’s mine: paper ballots, hand counts. We were a pretty good country when we had those. We can be a good country again.
Some think the electronic voting system can be repaired—with open source code, a proper paper trail (a ballot that takes precedence over electronic tallies in any recount), other proper security and auditing procedures, removal of Republican partisans as owners of the secret, proprietary programming code that counts all our votes, and undoctored exit polls to verify the election (unlike our exit polls for 2004, which were doctored on election night—"adjusted" to fit the official result-- hiding the fact that Kerry won the exit polls—a prime indicator of fraud).
I think we've gone too far toward an inherently fraudulent election system, and need to pull way back to something simpler that occurs at human speed and that human eyes can see.
Once again, I am profoundly dismayed by your vote for Condoleeza Rice. Thousands of activists around the country observed the debate and vote, and have noticed that you were on the wrong side. I urge you to join the "Heroic 13" who voted against this nomination, to create a truly progressive opposition to the Bush regime. The activists at stand ready to assist any politician who courageously opposes the Bush regime, and who is willing to investigate the 2004 election and support election reform.
And always remember: We—the good people of the United States, the people who believe in fairness and justice and good government, and who oppose unjustified war--are the majority!
Mary Pjerrou Huckaby
enc.: Here are some of the expert reports on the 2004 election that you should read, if you are unfamiliar with them.
These experts question the 2004 election result on the basis of the Exit Polls:
Dr. Steven Freeman 1st study: at:
Dr. Steven Freeman 2nd study: Ron Baiman: Webb Mealy: Simon:,000 to 230,000 phantom votes for Bush in FLA--paper vs. electronic voting)
Dr. Michael Haut & UC Berkeley stats team:
http://ucdata.berkeley.eduJohns Hopkins report on electronic voting: vote suppression:
GO HERE for all Senators' tel, fax, email and snail mail. The best Dem list is near the bottom of the thread. (And there is a list of Republican Senators' contact info. in the middle of the thread.)
Here's the list of 13 Senators who voted against Condoleeza Rice on Jan. 26:
Boxer (leader of the Heroic 13, absolutely brilliant strategist)
Kennedy (great speech)
Levin (speech)
Byrd (great speech)
Reed (RI) (speech)
Durbin (speech)
Dayton (the greatest speech of the day, will live in history)
Bayh (speech)
Jeffords (Independent)