Dzika posted this interesting article on the Saturday 1/29 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread.
January 28, 2005
New Mexico Voter ID reform splitting parties
By Shea Andersen
Tribune Reporter
SANTA FE - Rep. Danice Picraux doesn't think a voter identification bill will get too far this session.
Why not? Because Picraux, an Albuquerque Democrat and former House majority leader, has tried one herself, once.
On Thursday, Picraux voted to table a similar bill sponsored by Rep. Justine Fox-Young, an Albuquerque Republican.
"My bill was a little bit different," Picraux said.
Her bill, she said, gave the benefit of the doubt to a voter whose signature didn't match up on Election Day. They would get to vote, but their record would be checked later.
In Fox-Young's bill, voters whose autograph doesn't match their registration signature has to return on Election Day with some form of identification or their vote doesn't count.
"There's a real difference between innocent until proven guilty and guilty until proven innocent," Picraux said.
But after watching two of her bills get tabled by a Democrat-dominated committee, Fox-Young may have learned the same lesson Picraux learned years ago: Voter identification doesn't get a lot of traction in the Roundhouse.
On Thursday, two of 12 bills she prepared on election reform were tabled by the House Voters and Elections Committee, chaired by Rep. Ed Sandoval, an Albuquerque Democrat.