Greetings NYer, Marions, Loud Sue and DU lovers everywhere-- O8)
Thanks MG for raising this. It is a "MSM miracle" that some letters are being printed. And I was with the "ain't over til its over" gang up until Jan. 20. I am not a hand wringer. And no offense to "sleepwalkers" but I've been waiting for people to wake up since Raygun was elected. If this election didn't do it-- what will?
As for LTTE, I must admit to having to give up entirely on our local daily after the vicious attack the editor printed post-election. (my unpublished letter is below). That's my own choice to stop bangin my head against the MSM wall. So I am most glad B-) to find --dare I say-- Dialogue (!) on DU.
Find myself going back to punk rock ideas and energy. Isn't it the creative writers and artists who are willing to look down the road and tell it LIKE IT IS at the time, that end up being prescient in their moment and accurate in retrospect/history? California Uber Alles, indeed.
I agree with building community by these gradual means. Maybe there's a balance b/w agitator scariness and comfy yuppie sanctimony.
letter to editor, Nov. 10, 2004 --never published
Faith Based Journalism
Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
In a November 6 editorial, "Fixing Elections," this newspaper accused "disgruntled Democrats" of "unfounded and irresponsible charges of a 'stolen election'" as well as a “divisive and destructive diatribe.”
"They are doing themselves and the country a grave disservice." Actually, the editors and publishers have done a grave disservice to themselves and the country by shirking journalistic duties and demonizing concerned citizens.
The editor acknowledges that there were problems with this election, “some of them quite serious.” “...the 2004 presidential election did confirm the need for continuing election reforms and improvements.” “Reports of computer glitches... electronic polling machines mistakenly recording extra votes for Bush... registration irregularities, long lines, dirty tricks and voter intimidation abound.”
“Fixing Elections” is subtitled, “Now, More Urgent Than Ever.” Clear-thinking voters of any party recognize the implications of hi-tech, unverifiable, faith-based elections. Fixing elections is more urgent than ever, but apparently “Now” doesn’t mean... now.