And I imagine you could just mail it to Seymour Hersch, c/o The New Yorker. He's a reporter. He'll open his mail.
The package should be a very good one--and very compact. A letter making the following points--and supporting urls.
Dear Seymour Hersch:
1. According to the Rasmussen poll recently, Bush's approval rating has sunk to a truly dismal 43%. Other polls show that nearly 60% of Americans disapprove of the Iraq War. 63% disapprove of torture with no exceptions (recent ABC poll). Altogether, this is an unprecedented "vote of no confidence" in a recently inaugurated president. So...what is this person doing in the White House?
2. On Jan. 29, a group of experts including nine Ph.D.'s issued a report that says: a) Kerry won the Exit Polls on Election Day by a 3% margin; b) the pollsters' explanation for this--that Republicans were shy of pollsters--is without foundation, and in fact the data indicate that the opposite is true--the Exit Polls were skewed to Bush--meaning that Kerry's margin may be even higher; c) the odds against the Bush win are 1 in 10 million, based on an examination of the Exit Polls, and d) they call for a full investigation of the 2004 election--the latest in a growing list of experts who have done so (see below).
3. Dr. Steven Freeman calculated the probable vote for Kerry, by adding up the repeat voters from 2000, the big jump of Nader voters to Kerry, and the new voter registration which favored Democrats by 57% to 41%, and said that Kerry should have received 4 million to 8 million more votes than the official result reflected (a Kerry victory).
4. The election results were tabulated using secret, proprietary source code owned and controlled by rightwing Republicans and major Bush donors. The election computers that these pro-Bush companies sold to the states have been proven to be extremely insecure, unreliable and hackable.
5. In addition to the highly suspicious overall result (Bush winning), there were 57,000 complaints to Congress indicating massive suppression of minority and Democratic votes, and suspicious machine malfunction (such as numerous touchscreen electronic voting machines changing Kerry votes to Bush votes all day long without correction).
Enclosure: Here are some of the expert reports on the 2004 election that you should be familiar with.
Exit poll analysis: astronomical odds against Bush win
Dr. Steven Freeman: Ron Baiman: Webb Mealy: Simon: Ph.D's from leading universities call for investigation of 2004 Election:) 130,000 to 230,000 phantom votes for Bush--paper vs. electronic voting:)
Dr. Michael Haut & UC Berkeley statistical team:
http://ucdata.berkeley.eduJohns Hopkins report on insecurity of electronic voting (general): demo of the insecurity of electronic voting machines: vote suppression:
http://www.bpac.infoDocumentation of widespread machine fraud and dirty tricks in over 20 states: Underground (ignatzmouse):
(North Carolina: absentee ballot vs. electronic, inexplicable 6% edge to Bush in electronic:) at:
Democratic Underground (TruthIsAl)l: "To believe Bush won, you have to believe…"
Part 1 2 3 progress compilations of various articles and materials on 2004 Election Fraud:
GO AHEAD AND SEND THIS LETTER TO HERSCH! (check spelling of Hersch)