but analysis of national exit polls by du member TruthisAll shows the extent of the fraud
it is summarized here in this excellent footnoted overview article by canadian!
The Strange Death of American Democracy:
Endgame in Ohio
by Michael Keefer
www.globalresearch.ca 24 January 2005
The URL of this article is:
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/KEE501A.html I am not going to rehearse here any part of the rapidly accumulating body of analyses that shows Republican electoral fraud to have been carried out in many other states from coast to coast with much the same energy and inventiveness as in Ohio.<61> For as the mathematician who posts his analyses of exit poll data at the Democratic Underground site under the name 'TruthIsAll' has intimated, and as Dr. Steven F. Freeman has shown in a major new study which he has kindly shared with me in draft form, there is a simpler way of showing that, in the big picture, the numbers which underlie Bush's supposed victory in the popular vote simply don't add up.<62>
In comparison to the election of 2000, there were two dramatic changes in 2004: an increase of some 14 percent in the total number of votes cast (which rose from 105,405,000 in 2000 to 120,255,000 in 2004), and a significant decline in the proportion of votes cast for third-party candidates (which sank from 3,949,000 in 2000 to 1,170,000 in 2004). According to the national exit poll data made available by CNN on the evening of November 2nd, 83 percent of those who voted in 2004 had also voted in 2000. This means, in slightly different terms, that nearly 100 million people who voted in 2000, or close to 95 percent of the 2000 voters, also cast ballots in 2004.<63> In the 2004 exit poll, 13,047 randomly selected respondents stated that they had voted as follows:
Bush Kerry
Gore 2000 voters: 8% 91%
Bush 2000 voters: 90% 10%
Other 2000 voters: 17% 64%
New voters: 41% 57%
Al Gore, remember, won the popular vote in 2000 by almost 544,000 votes (50,999,897 votes to George Bush's 50,456,002). Assuming that the 8 percent of Gore voters who migrated to Bush's camp in 2004 more or less cancel out the 10 percent of Bush-2000 voters who swung to Kerry, one can take the base number of supporters for Bush and Kerry in 2004 as amounting to 95 percent of the Republican and Democratic presidential vote tallies in 2000--or, in round numbers, 48.4 million votes for Kerry and 47.9 million votes for Bush.
If 95 percent of the 3,949,000 who voted for third-party candidates in 2000 also voted in 2004, then given that 64 percent of these people voted for Kerry and 17 percent for Bush, that, in round numbers, would add 2.3 million votes to Kerry's expected total and 600,000 to Bush's, raising them to 50.7 million for Kerry and 48.5 million for Bush.
Add in the 20.2 million new voters, 57 percent of whose ballots, according to the exit poll, went to Kerry, and 41 percent to Bush. That means 11.5 million additional votes for Kerry, and 8.3 million additional votes for Bush. The final expected total comes out to 62.2 million votes for Kerry, and 56.8 million expected votes for Bush.
Compare these numbers to the official results: 61,194,773 votes (or 51 percent of the total votes cast) for George W. Bush, and 57,890,314 (or 48 percent) for John Kerry. The discrepancies are striking: Bush appears to have received 4.4 million more votes than he should have, and Kerry 4.3 million fewer than he should have.
The magic--as Congressman Peter King, whom I quoted at the outset, evidently understood--is in the counting. As a large and growing body of evidence makes clear, the official tallies of the 2004 presidential election are to an unprecedented degree distorted by fraud, much of it carried out through widespread and systematic tampering with electronic vote-tabulation machines.
Can Anyone Explain This? - Congressman Peter King, Republican, NY: “It’s already over. The election’s over, we won.” - Voice: “How do you know that?” - King: “It’s all over but the counting, and we’ll take care of the counting!”
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/peterking.movfrom this compilation of election shenanigans
Arkansas in 2004: Did Bush Really Win?
by Max Standridge
January 24, 2005
Past Election Patterns, Pre-Election, Tracking and Exit Poll Patterns, Bill Clinton, Vote Discrepancies, Undervotes, and A "Convenient" Power Failure in Little Rock, All Combine to Suggest Otherwise
To any or all: Were computer technicians employed to re-boot and re-activate the computers after the power failure? If so, what companies were the technicians affiliated with, and do you have any records as to their names, schedules and activities that day? Do you have any contact information for the elections offices personnel in the West Little Rock polling places that were affected that day, and/or any contact information as to the computer technicians employed to ensure proper re-activation of the affected computers?
Do you have any data as to how wide an area of computer data statewide would have been affected by such a power failure?
http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1119...and the report from georgia which had gone democratic in every election since 1832 and ended when diebold showed up in 2002 and on and on and on...
we must recall any officials who hold office through manipulation of the voting process.
STOP! Extremist End-Timers