...investigation of the 2004 election?
"As citizens in a democracy, we have an abiding interest in the integrity of the election process.
"The Edison/Mitofsky report confirms there were large differences between their exit polls and the official results of the 2004 presidential election – much more so than in previous elections. The national exit poll indicated a 3 point victory for Kerry; whereas the official election results indicated that he lost by 2.5%, a difference of 5.5%.
"The Edison/Mitofsky report fails to substantiate their hypothesis that the difference between their exit polls and official election results should be explained by problems with the exit polls. They assert without supporting evidence that (p. 4), 'Kerry voters were more likely to participate in the exit polls than Bush voters.' In fact, data included within the report suggest that the opposite might be true.
"Their analysis of the potential correlation of exit poll errors with voting machine type is incomplete and inadequate, and their report ignores the alternative hypothesis that the official election results could have been corrupted.
"The Edison/Mitofsky report states (p.12), “We need to do more investigation into the causes of the statistical skew in the exit poll data for the general election.” USCountVotes agrees, and we suggest that that investigation extend to the official vote count tallies. In this context, USCountVotes affirms our mission to create and analyze a database containing precinct-level election results for the entire United States in order to do a thorough mathematical analysis of the 2004 election results.
"We invite all those who care about democratic processes in this country to join us in fully investigating and explaining what really happened in the 2004 Presidential election."
Contributors and Supporters include:
Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D. - Temple University Statistics Department
Kathy Dopp, MS in mathematics - USCountVotes, President
Steven F. Freeman, PhD - Center for Organizational Dynamics, University of Pennsylvania
Brian Joiner, PhD - Prof. of Statistics and Director of Statistical Consulting (ret), University of Wisconsin
Frank Stenger, PhD in mathematics - School of Computing, University of Utah
Richard G. Sheehan, PhD - Department of Finance, University of Notre Dame
Elizabeth Liddle, MA - (UK) PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham Paul F. Velleman, Ph.D. - Department of Statistical Sciences, Cornell University
Victoria Lovegren, Ph.D. - Department of Mathematics, Case Western Reserve University
Campbell B. Read, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University
Also Peer Reviewed by USCountVotes’ core group of statisticians and independent reviewers.
Press Contact: Bruce O'Dell, USCountVotes, Vice President bruce@uscountvotes.org
This document can be found here:
Probably won't move her. With some, it's a real emotional block, stemming from the trauma of 11/2. I think this is Michael Moore's problem, for instance. In denial, big time. Just can't face it.
But your friend sounds more blase than that. Was she involved in the campaign?
Maybe just VALIDATE what she feels: helpless? depressed? can't do anything about anything, so might as well just take care of yourself? it doesn't fit the "reality" she sees on TV? the billionaires in charge are just too powerful--why fight them? she's really bothered by something else, but all you'll talk about is election fraud? what can SHE do about it? whatever it is, VALIDATE it.
She's probably suffering from brainwashing. It's real. Treat her gently. Re-enforce her strengths--especially any independent thinking. even if it's "get over it." say, well, I can't, but you sure are a strong, independent thinker to say that. Me? I just can't get over the election--it haunts me. I wish I could be like you and just ignore all this.
Well, don't lie. But you see what I mean. I think she's somewhat dependent on lapdog news for her sense of belonging, or being part of "the nation."
I really think denial and brainwashing are THE big problems right now.
There is one little argumentative thing I might use--if it seems like a good idea to argue at all (rather than just re-enforce independent thinking): There never needed to be "PROOF." An election is INVALID if it is NON-TRANSPARENT, and this one was egregiously non-transparent--quite deliberately set up that way. There were also highly suspicious results from this very non-transparent election. It SHOULD HAVE BEEN investigated, but the people who controlled investigation (Congressional Republican majority) were the ones who set it up that way. Also, Ohio should have been investigated (Voting Rights Act violations). Same thing. Simple justice--one's day in court--could not be had.
In the Ukraine, when the exit polls didn't match the official results, they protested vigorously and got a re-vote. That's what should have happened here.
But OUR exit polls--those numbers on all our TV screens on 11/2--were "adjusted" to fit the "official results," so nobody knew that Kerry had won in the exit polls.
Anyway, the Ukrainians didn't have "PROOF." They didn't have a "SMOKING GUN." The exit poll discrepancy was sufficient to let them know that the whole thing stunk.
But Tracie does sound rather like the BushCon Congress and the BushCon lapdog media: You could give them A HUNDRED "SMOKING GUNS" AND IT WOULDN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE. They don't care about what transparency means.
What DOES she care about? Maybe stick with that.