Edited on Sun Jan-30-05 06:59 PM by TexasLawyer
TexasLawyer Synopsis of article:
Hey, you whining, pathetic Ohio voters. Unless you were forced to brave a hail of gunfire in order to vote you didn't REALLY face any voting hardships at all. Besides, your hardships were just imagined to begin with.
Voter Intimidation - Ohio Democrats v. The Average Iraqi
Posted by bulldogpundit on Saturday, 29 January 2005 (22:37:07) EST Contributed by bulldogpundit
Given the whining by the loony left about Ohio being "stolen" by President Bush, and Ted Kenndy's seeming wish for the Iraqi elections to fail we thought it would be useful to get a little perspective. Which is why we've compared the trials and tribulations suffered by the Kerry voter in Ohio (using the report prepared by the non-partisan honest broker Michigan Congressman John Conyers) and the average Iraqi voter going to the polls today. <snip>
Wild, unsubstantiated testimony not subject to cross-examination is taken as gospel truth. The supporting footnotes contain partisan sources. Leaps of logic are made that would make a psychic blush, and everyone they talk to has and agenda. Quite simply, and frankly, it's 10 pounds of sh*t in a 5 pound bag.
But just for fun, let's compare the experiences of the average Iraqi voting on Sunday to that of the poor, put upon Ohio Kerry voter, because the report is dead certain that all those people who didn't vote would have voted for Kerry. But given the Democrats belief that they can determine the will of the voter, that's not surprising.
1. Voter Intimidation
a. Ohio-- There must have been intimidation as the NAACP received phone calls. What more proof is needed? But they got specific. One person said an unknown individual went door to door telling people they couldn't vote because they weren't registered. This must be the "real killer" that OJ's been looking for all these years, because the door-knocker hasn't been found either. One voter received something in the mail that said he wasn't eligible because he moved. No proof was provided other than the man's word. Some people were silently intimidated by poll watchers who had the gall to ask for proofs of identification and address. Very intimidating stuff. Oh, and a hotel worker heard an unnamed person tell a voter (surely a Kerry voter) over the phone that the voter would go to jail if he voted. Some idiots apparently fell for the email hoax that Democrats could only vote on Wednesday. If anyone was fooled by this old canard, they don't deserve to vote due to stupidity. What's truly amazing is that no documentary proof of any charges were made.
b. Iraq-- Screw danger for the voter. How about the candidate who was shot to death on videotape and that tape passed out to stop people from voting. But then again if you're the average voter you've been warned that voting is "cooperating with the enemy", you also might have had your house burned, or your child kidnapped all to stop you from voting. You've also been told taht if you die while voting you have no one to blame but yourself for cooperating with "The Great Satan". Gee, let's see, a letter saying you might not be eligible to vote vs. not coming home to your kids. Hmm, that's a tough one.
And yes, Congressman Conyers, while doing so we'll keep in mind the superhuman hardships, which we doubt even existed, of those poor souls in Ohio who, after the Great Satan, er, Ken Blackwell, stripped them of their vote, went home to watch the election results on TV. We're happy they didn't have to dodge bullets or car bombs on the way back either. These are truly people who are brave. Too bad they're mostly figments of your imagination.