...bad grammar and all.
Greetings from the farm,
I had some people following me for a while, different groups of people, strange goings on, complete with privacy invasion. I am done playing the bait. I have freshly returned from my unexpected end of year "Crazy Ivan Stupidity Tour". Some of the past 5 weeks is still a blur, some self imposed by lack of sleep, some of it .... by outside forces. The fog has lifted, as well as my concern to make a post.
First, to those who caught the "Poodles" last scribbling,(some people in my home town sure did) I must apologize for stating I was working on a screenplay. That was a Fib. ( but I sure got over 90 minutes now) But when there's a whole lot of people following you around, trying to figure you out, you'll say just about anything when threats are inferred on family and friends. Fear IS the mind killer.
.... After the fifth day of cat and mouse, I had some success at giving the people following me some frustration, I was in Madison's Isthmus neighborhood, largely composed of converging roads, one way streets, and water obstacles. Then... the team changed. The gig lost it's amusement, after listening to two gentlemen, regurgitate my post college years with mind blowing, data-mined dialog. I was allowed to eavesdrop on my own past, still this was just hi-jinx, elevated by a lack of sleep, fun at my expense. From there I drove to my home town, where, things turned ugly. I left my home town several days later around Jan. 4th The ugliness followed. It did not relent not until about 10 days later. A lot of resources were expended because of my tangential contributions at DU, A lot more then a bunch of guys driving around playing cat and mouse, a lot more then role playing games over the Holidays. I will leave it at that.
The farmer hails from, of all places, the birth place of the Republican party, the wrong place to go for sanctuary. My home town is indeed, mostly loyal conservative republican, the vast majority, are good people, raising families trying to live the American dream. However, in the local paper The Ripon Commonwealth Press (whopping circulation of 3600) before the election, in the letters to the editor section, more then one Pissed off Republican wrote about how they were not going to vote the party line in the upcoming election. When a "Repub" in Ripon goes the other way it's not a good sign for the Status Quo, when they go to the extent of writing a letter to the editor is a disaster in the making. While most are good people,...... some take their namesake a little tooooooo seriously, sorta like this Republican think tank,
http://riponsoc.org/forum.shtml (I suggest reading the Winter 2005 edition of the Forum, "Sex Lies and Democrats" a personal favorite, ..... Rickie Lee Jones, a radical, what tripe!). Anyway, some locals and some "nasties" put the farmer through the grist mill. And though I have been, a sinner of some disposition, there was nothing to find. I am still fortunate. They like to bend the rules.
To find that smoking gun before Jan. 6th. Led me to this forum, In hindsight , I would have chosen my words more carefully, guessed less, tempered my blunt statements and perhaps eased up on the cryptic metaphors. ....NAH! I should have however, taken the time to realize and respect, the conversations taking place and and relationships formed from months and some cases years of keystroked dialog. I am still taken aback by the relative ease some of you pontificate at 80 words a minute. ...Of course there are the others. The freepers who's proactive distraction keeps people from focus, tricking newbies (of which, I still am, but perhaps I just lost my training wheels) with their own the idyllic enthusiasm. There are the self righteous DUers who's efforts are dwarfed by their own reality distortion fields.( yeah, it's cliche). To all "youz" guys, for re initiating me to the dark side, I say thank you. You put things in a rich, new perspective, I am reengaged.
Want change? Find the people you grew up with, put in your two cents. You can shout at the top of your lungs about the obvious to a disagreeing stranger, he will walk away concepts reinforced. Talk to someone with whom you shared an upbringing, they, will not be as reticent, One person, sharing discontent with another with a common history, IS effective. Protest without pepper spray. Discourse with less threat.
On the concept of sharing research of election fraud with the world when posting on DU, I see now, vividly I might add, It doesn't make sense to telegraph your rival your game plan, .... to draw out an opponent and observe him, does. Who's watching who becomes the question, and the answer. Get it?. The old mouse does. The opposing team has better equipment, a bigger budget, are better organized, better networked, in short, they have the keys to the car. What do we have? Truth and a unicycle! And yet, we make inroads. THERE ARE signs of a slow methodical snowball building, and while we "nudge it up the hill", we need do so with discretion. I speculate, the real experts, who understand technology and its implementation are doing just that.
Getting even more cryptic: The world is no longer memories of pinwheels and carrot sandwiches, but of real effort and change. I hear the 33 pound paper tiger has been put on science diet light, the bear has been "Naired" and the dog has been focused on upping his cytochrome 450 for over 6 weeks, Oi! If the puppy is still "listening", this green bean regrets not being able to have caught your poem. To my new found "old friends" if you need me, I am here, wiser from the wear.
So, as the old Farmall 28 tractor rides slowly into the sunset, we hear in the distance, the reverberating echo in the valley of a final Wolfie howl ...ow ow owwwwwwwwww.
Every vote must count. The writing is STILL on the wall.