I have some real concerns about the information you have on this page:
http://www.verifiedvoting.org/article.php?id=5249 Specifically, you say:
"We do not believe that there is any more reason to look for problems in this election than in previous elections"
What about the fact that there are more paperless electronic voting machines than ever before? What about the fact that two Republican companies have siezed a virtual monopoly on the vote counting business? What about the huge problems with the exit polls? Aren't these simple facts a reason to look into this election more than before? These conditions did not exist before.
"Unproven charges of fraud damage the country. They undermine the legitimacy of elected officials, upon which our government is based, and undermine confidence of the voters in the election system. "
I disagree 100%. consider our legal system and how it works. people make charges and then there is a trial and the jury decides. That is the model we have to follow. Furthermore, what damages our country is fraudulent elections and the suppression of information to raise awareness thereof. The only way to change this is to make people aware of the problems with our election system. This includes making warranted charges against individuals and companies who have been seen to be involved in improper activities.
Lastly this statement really bothers me:
"So far, we have not seen convincing evidence of either fraud nor of a major error in the Presidential election. As of this writing (11/14/04)..."
I would like to request, that since your organization is considered an authority on the subject, you have a duty to update this page and include more up-to-date information. Since 11/14 there has been A LOT of convincing evidence that needs to be discussed in the public arena. Your outdated statement is helping prevent this discussion from happening. Are you not aware of these facts (and others):
How about the 95% turnout in several precints in Ohio? How about Triad illegally manipulating the scanners and computers for the recount? How about Bev Harris finding the original audit logs in the trash? How about the stickers covering up the Kerry votes in Ohio? How about 7 PhD analysts calling for an investigation? This is not convincing evidence?
Please do your duty and update the webpage. You don't have to stick your neck out and make accusations, but you should at least say that there is some convincing evidence out there that needs to be investigated thoroughly and cite some examples. I feel until you do this you are undermining the efforts to fix the problems by unintentionally covering up the facts.
Thank you
Gary Beckwith