Important Legislative efforts in Washington D.C.
Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) this week reintroduced the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act, H.R. 550 (the successor to H.R. 2239 of the 108th Congress), which would amend the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) to require a voter-verified paper record for all votes cast in federal elections.
You can use the link below to find out who your Representative is and how to contact them. Just input your zip code in the space about half way down the page and click on "GO." 2005 makes Voter Verified Paper Ballots mandatory for federal elections.
Senator Ensign (R-NV) will introduce VIVA 2005 if other Republican Senators will cosponsor this worthy bill. Joan Krawitz, Andy Stephensen, Warren Stewart, and Cheryl Lilienstein, of the National Ballot Integrity Project, will be in Washington DC urging Republican Senators to cosponsor VIVA 2005, this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please help us by making the phones of Republican Senators ring. Urge them to cosponsor VIVA 2005. Since VIVA will be part of HAVA, it will go into effect immediately. Senator Dodd of Conn. has a bill (S17) that won’t do anything until 2009.
US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Monday-Friday 9 AM to 5 PM. For more information, legislation text, rationale, and a direct phone line, link here: HR 10-
page 33; Extraneous Provision 1: Intelligence Reorganization Authority
House Bill: Section 5021 grants the President expedited reorganization authority
for the entire intelligence community.
page 33; Extraneous Provision 2: Avoiding Senate Confirmation for
Senior Intelligence Officials
House Bill: Section 5041 provides that senior intelligence and national security
officials, including the Director of Central Intelligence, the Secretaries of the Air
Force, Army, and Navy, and the Deputy Secretaries of the Departments of
Defense, State, and Homeland Security do not need Senate confirmation if the
Senate fails to act on their nomination within 30 legislative days.
Page 35; Extraneous Provision 8: Limiting Financial Disclosure for the
Intelligence Community
House Bill: Section 5043 amends the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 by
reducing public disclosure of the income and assets of the heads of intelligence
agencies. Found on this PDF: For additional information contact