Top Ohio Officials Begin Dispute Over Voting Machine Choices As Deadline Approaches for Counties
The Associated Press
Feb. 9, 2005 - Ohio's attorney general and its secretary of state launched a dispute over voting machines on Tuesday, the day before counties are required to submit their machine choices.
Attorney General Jim Petro issued a written opinion Tuesday saying Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell did not have the authority to order counties to use one type of voting machine. Petro said the choice is up to the counties.
Blackwell said the statement Tuesday contradicted what Petro told him in the past. Carlo LoParo, a spokesman for the secretary of state, said Blackwell's order last month requiring elections officials in Ohio's 88 counties to pick between two types of optical-scan machines "carries the weight of law, and he expects that to be complied with."
Blackwell and Petro are seeking the Republican nomination for governor.