Could we propose a bill to have x amount of countries certify our votes?
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Thu Feb-10-05 12:55 AM
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Could we propose a bill to have x amount of countries certify our votes? |
What if every election we chose say 12 countries picked at random to count our votes. Ours and other countries. I know it's still open to fraud but would this help or am I drunk?
Land Shark
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Thu Feb-10-05 11:46 AM
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1. Mixed groups of counters with incentives to check each other |
can work well. This is the strength of hand recounts where the group does not move on until opposed parties agree on totals, which makes humans much more accurate.
Other countries could add some neutrality to the process (depends on the country) but some would likely object to it unless there was a good strategy for overcoming what would be termed the "UN-ization" of our elections.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:05 AM
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