lapdogs fussed about Kerry's pen (as if Kerry needed to cheat by taking notes with a forbidden pen! ). Remember that? That's what convinced me that the Bulge was a cheating device for Bush--because they obviously had a predetermined attack story ready (and they probably planted the pen, too). I've noticed this VERY OFTEN in the news cycle two-steps that the Rove Rats do. Whatever they accuse anyone of, they have already done--or are about to do--a thousand, a million times more, and far worse. And if they're about to do something really bad, they have an accusation story all prepared in advance, to throw dust in everybody's eyes.
If the Republican Pod People get up in the Senate and spout some B.S. accusation against the Democrats for "politicizing" the "advise and consent" debate on Bush's nominees for Sec of State or Atty Gen.--all in lockstep, all saying the same thing (it got to be funny!)--you just know that THEY have a highly political motive, and a political game plan, in those nominations.
And it wasn't long before that motive and plan were naked for all to see. They trotted out Andy Young--Andy Young of all people (former lieutenant of Martin Luther King)--who had C. Dolores Tucker (black women's promotion activist) and a few other black women in tow, in an interview in the halls of Congress during the debate, and what they said, in essence, was this: The Democrats should shut up about this nomination and agree to it BECAUSE CONDOLEEZA RICE IS A BLACK WOMAN! (Tucker: "We don't like what's going on here.")
Oh, Lord this was painful to watch.
And every one of those white Pod People men--men with the same political views as the Ku Klux Klan (but with a bit more polish), got up there in the Senate, and just oozed with righteousness and unctuous praise of Ms. Rice's rise from her disadvantaged background in the "era of segregation," and her piano playing, and her academic achievements--the "first African American woman" to reach such a high position in the Illuminati's female annex (...well...they didn't say that, exactly, but you get my meaning).
And so, while they're disenfranchising three million blacks across the country with dirty tricks of every kind, they're driving a wedge into the black community, and separating out those few who will be given riches and a semblance of power, to lord it over the masses as they sink further into poverty and prison. And their devious political motive in these nominations (which they were loudly and repeatedly accusing the DEMOCRATS of "politicizing"!) became even more naked in the case of Alberto Gonzales. Pod Senators (Orrin Hatch was one) got up and actually accused the DEMOCRATS of being against Gonzales BECAUSE HE IS HISPANIC. I couldn't make any sense out of THAT accusation until another Pod Man (Pete Domenici, R-NM) got up and stated something like, "The opposition has always touted themselves as the most natural representatives of the growing Hispanic population, but Hispanics are not going to be natural Democrats any more." And he sort of sneered in the Democrats' direction.
Gonzales as bait, as a lure to Hispanics: Be good little Mexicans and write torture memos for your Masters, and we will give you riches and power beyond your wildest dreams. And they got Democrat Salazar (newly elected) to endorse it, and poor old Henry Cisneros (now begging scraps from the Bush Cartel table).
My, my, my. So the BushCons have this disgusting, cynical, mind-bogglingly hypocritical political plan to grab votes from African-Americans and Hispanics--the people they are most screwing over--by fronting their mass murder and their torture and their thievery with African American and Hispanic faces.
But it's the DEMOCRATS who are "politicizing" the nominations!
And when Karl Rove gets up there and accuses Harry Reid and the Democrats of being "obstructionists," you can presume that they have some MIGHTY BIG OBSTRUCTIONS that they are planning. (What could these big obstructions be? Obstructing European efforts to prevent an invasion of Iran? Obstructing the Plame investigation? Obstructing good government in California--driving honest CA Sec of State Kevin Shelley from office, with phony corruption charges--for opposing Diebold voting machines--and Schwarzenegger then re-districting California? Or could it just be huge obstructions in Congress for anything Democrats want to do?)
And when they accused Max Cleland--of all people on this earth--of being a friend of Osama bin Laden, they were giving away the fact that THEY are friends of Osama bin Laden.
And when they accused Saddam Hussein of planning 9/11, they were giving away the fact that THEY planned 9/11, or, at the very least, that Iraq and 9/11 were associated in THEIR minds (9/11 as the EXCUSE for taking over Iraq's oil fields, planned out by Dick Cheney, Kenneth Lay and the oil cartel, at their early 2001 secret "energy task force" meetings).
And when they accused France, Germany and Spain of being "old Europe," they were giving away the fact that THEY are "old Europe"--indeed, they are the "Ancien Regime" itself, come back to haunt us all. Corrupt monarchs inflicting fascist rule on Europe, to destroy the peoples' movements of that era for democracy and liberty and justice.
And when they say that so and so is a "liberal," we know that THEY "liberally" steal from old ladies and pensioners and children, and "liberally" lavish themselves with luxuries and indulge in licentiousness, and believe in utter liberality--the license to do anything they wish-for themselves and the privileged few, but not for anyone else.
That Bulge and that Pen told me a lot. Look for it, the next time they accuse anyone of anything.
The funny part is that they have their dogs at the New York Times, and at other dog training schools, trained so well they don't really need the accusation cover story. It's not as if their well-fed pets would ever notice what they are really doing, and what they are covering up, or care.