that the Kerry win was looking so big, a real burndown of the Bush Cartel (Dem blowout in new voter registration in 2004--Dem 57%, Rep 41%) and Bush approval ratings so low, 50% and dipping below around election time (and doing the same now, by the way--3 months after being "elected"), that they implemented every plan they had set up, save one--the terrorist alert plan (all set up before the election, with all kinds of planted news stories, but not utilized, possibly foiled by insiders).
The main plan was electronic fraud (direct manipulation of the secret, proprietary source code in the electronic tabulators) starting on the east coast to secure the popular vote early one (TruthIsAll's discovery), with backup plans for electronic fraud all across the nation, as necessary. The exit polls firmly establish this. The odds are 1 in 10 million that the exit polls were wrong in the way that they were wrong (no bias in the exit polls can account for it). And that's what the exit polls show--a skew to Bush east to west, and between the 12 to 20 battleground states vs. other states. And election anomalies indicate that they may have padded his popular vote by taking %'s here and there, all over the country.
This plan was set up very deliberately and methodically, via HAVA. Tom Delay stopping a paper trail requirement from ever getting out of committee--backed by the electronic voting machine companies (Bush donors and big supporters all) who insisted that no paper trail was necessary, and further demanded that their programming code remain secret. Democrats either ignorantly or corruptly failing to object. A setup for fraud. Windows OS--an open bank vault (to those who had the combination).
They also set up all kinds of potentially usable operators and operations in Ohio and Florida, to secure 2 of the 3 biggest battleground states, with subsidiary plans in other states (New Mexico, for instance), in addition to suppression of Democratic voter registration prior to the election (mostly of minorities--the purge lists and so on). (The Dem blowout in new voter registration is all the more remarkable, given this suppression--fabulous grass roots effort!)
I've wondered why they would do the blatant things they did in Ohio, for instance--red flag stuff, bound to infuriate minority leaders and civil rights groups. At first, I thought it was literally that--a red flag--a distraction. But now, having reviewed all the election studies, I think that, 1) the old pols were not feeling real secure about the promises made by the young bucks into tech fraud (it was an untested system, nationwide), thus we had a lot of old pol Republican dirty tricks (typical racist stuff like thugs calling former black felons and threatening them with more jail time if they showed up to vote); and 2) Bush was in such trouble, they simply had to go all out.
If you'll recall, Dick Cheney made a really odd trip to Hawaii two days before the election. Hawaii is a big Dem state. What was he doing there? (Remember, there was some kind of statement from Cheney or someone, that Hawaii was in doubt--totally ridiculous.) I continue to think that this had some relationship to the terrorist alert plan, which Wayne Madsen said was likely to be used in California. V-P's plane in trouble out over the Pacific? --something like that. Tie up the LA freeways, put police all over the place, scaring minority voters. Make poor workers choose between picking kids up at school in big scary terror alert, or voting. With many Kerry voters out of the picture, Schwarz would dictate that a partial vote favoring Bush was okay. (Hey, maybe THAT'S why they got rid of Shelley--did he stumble over this backup plan?)
Remember all those phony terrorist alerts prior to the election (with one even involving a school)? (...and none since then...ahem...odd, isn't?). Maybe just trying to put fear in voters' hearts. Maybe not. Maybe they were a dry run--or psyops prep for election day. I sure noticed all this, and wondered. (And this may also be what Madsen stumbled upon, with his check thing, and the CIA/FBI agents paid off to do something--the desperation, if-nothing-else-worked plan.)
Anyway, a list of the ways that they stole this election needs to have a good working hypothesis accompanying it. And I think this is a pretty good one.
Basic facts: Gore 2000 repeat voters + huge new Democratic voter registration + big jump of Nader voters to Kerry = 4 million to 8 million vote Kerry margin (confirmed by both the national and state exit polls; by the pre-election polls showing very poor Bush approval ratings, and Zogby prediction of a Kerry win; and by many other indicators, such as big, spontaneous, enthusiastic Kerry campaign crowds). How to wipe out that margin? How to wipe those smiles off peoples' faces on election day? How to kill that grass roots movement that was electing a president who would be beholden to the majority?
That was their problem.