What is it? An excercise gathering for Election Reform people.
Where is it? Just a few forum posts away, if you want it.
Why? Amaryllis's thread which so aptly describes many of us here... me thinking that we could all use a walk, hike, jog, or a game of something.
And some human contact.
And some face-time with our fellow election activists.
And some way to know who is who, and who is for real, online.
And some local planning.
And a bit of gossip.
And a couple new acquaintances that don't think we are crazy.
Too obsessed to excercise alone? Sorry, you don't have that excuse anymore.
Find some people near you and meet for a quick cardio.
Here's a plan of action. It couldn't be simpler:
1) Pick a better name in this thread. BM&B is just a working title.
2) Split up and invade the state forums here on DU to get at those people who don't seem to post/read over here in Election Results.
3) Announce it on KoS and a few other places.
4) Invade a few more groups' state/local forums, Yahoo groups, etc.
5) For those people that find some local contacts, organize a session.
6) Report back here on how things are going.
7) Keep publicising your local meetings to pick up more members.
8) Organize a central coordinating point to attract the stragglers and
so people on the road can visit local groups, and to post ideas for
A holiday weekend is coming up, so it should be easy to pull together some first meetings. After all, we are all way to obsessed to be taking vacations.
And if you do manage to put together a session near you, don't bother to shave/primp or shower. Just throw on some sweats. We all know what you really look like. We see it in the mirror every day.