Edited on Tue Feb-15-05 09:33 PM by TruthIsAll
If you believe ALL of them, then you must also believe what Bill Clinton has already said on national television: "Bush won the election fair and square. He won the late undecided vote".
Bill, you must be kidding, right?
To believe that Bush won the election, Bill, you must also believe:
1. That the exit polls were WRONG...
2. That Zogby's 5pm election day calls for Kerry winning Ohio and Florida and New Mexico and Iowa were WRONG. He was exactly RIGHT (within 1%) in his final 2000 poll.
3. That Harris's election day polling calling it for Kerry was WRONG. He was exactly RIGHT (even closer than Zogby) in 2000.
4. That Incumbent Rule I (undecideds break for the challenger) was WRONG.
5. That Incumbent Rule II (an incumbent never exceeds his final polling) was WRONG.
6. That Incumbent Rule III (an incumbent under 50% job approval will most likely lose) was WRONG.
7. That Greg Palast was WRONG when he said that prior to the election, that one million votes were stolen from Kerry. Palast was the ONLY reporter to break the story that 90,000 blacks in Florida were illegally disenfranchised in 2000.
8. That it was just a COINCIDENCE that the exit polls were ACCURATE in states where there WAS a PAPER TRAIL and WRONG (heavily in favor of Bush) where there was NO VOTER VERIFIED PAPER TRAIL.
9. That the surge in new young voters had NO positive effect for Kerry.
10. That Bush BEAT 99-1 pre-election polling odds and 10,000,000-1 post-election exit poll odds in winning the election.
11. That Kerry did WORSE than Gore against an opponent who LOST the support of SCORES of Republican newspapers who were for Bush in 2000.
12. That Bush did better than an 18 national poll average which showed him tied with Kerry at 47. In other words, Bush got 80% of the undecided vote to end up with a 51-48 majority - when ALL professional pollsters agree that the undecided vote ALWAYS goes to the challenger.
13. That voting machines manufactured and programmed by Republicans without a no paper trail and no software publication, and which have been proven by thousands of computer scientists to be vulnerable in scores of ways, were NOT tampered with in this election.
14. That people who voted for Bush were not anxious to speak to exit pollsters in the states that Bush had to win (like Florida and Ohio) where the exit polls were off, but wanted to be polled in states that he had sewn up (like Arizona, Louisiana and Arkansas) where the exit polls were exactly correct.
15. That Democrats who voted for Kerry were very anxious to be exit-polled, especially in Florida and Ohio. That accounts for the discrepancy between the exit polls and the actual votes in these two critical states.
16. That women were much more likely to be polled early in the day in Florida and Ohio. That is another reason why the exit polls were wrong in those states. In those states in which the exit polls were correct to within one percent, women did not come out early.
17. That the University of Pennsylvania Professor (trained at MIT) who calculated the probability of Bush gaining votes beyond the exit polling margin of error as ONE out of 250 million, does not have any credibility.
18. That network newscasters who claim that those who consider the possibility of fraud are just wild conspiracy theorists do not have an agenda.
19. That it is just a coincidence that only since the 2000 presidential election have exit polls failed to agree with the actual vote - and that Bush won both disputed elections.
20. That exit polls are not to be trusted in the United States, even though they are used throughout the world to monitor elections for fraud.
21. That even though more votes were cast than there were eligible voters in precincts of the critical states, it is not an important enough an issue to be covered in the media.
22. That the absence of a paper ballot trail for touch screen computers does not encourage fraud, even though they have been proven by hundreds of computer experts to be highly vulnerable to fraudulent attack.
23. That statistical tests which indicate a high probability of fraud are just conspiratorial junk science.
24. That Bush voters were more reluctant than Democrats to speak to exit pollsters due to the fact that it was raining in the East.
25. That Mitofsky, with 25 years of experience, has lost his exit polling touch.
26. That by disputing the Ukrainian elections, the Bush administration would base its case on the accuracy of U.S. sponsored exit polling, while at the same time ignoring exit polls in the U.S. presidential election, which the media reported Kerry was winning handily.
27. That Bush’s vote tallies could exceed his exit poll percentage in FL by 4%. Based on 2846 individuals exit polled, the polling margin of error was 1.84%. The odds of this occurrence: 1 out of 1667.
28. That Bush’s vote tallies could exceed his exit poll percentage in OH by 3%. Based on 1963 individuals exit polled, the polling margin of error was 2.21%. The odds of this occurrence: 1 out of 333.
29. That Bush’s vote tallies could exceed his exit poll percentages in 42 of 50 states - INCLUDING ALL 22 STATES IN THE EASTERN TIME ZONE. The odds of 42 out of 50 states deviating to Bush: 1 in 1.7 million.
30. That Bush’s vote tallies could exceed the margin of error in 17 states. Not one state vote tally exceeded the MOE for Kerry. The odds: 1 in 300 trillion.
31 That Bush’s vote tallies could exceed his exit poll by at least 2% in 22 states. The probability: as close to ZERO as you can get.
32. That of 88 documented touch screen incidents, 86 voters would see their vote for Kerry come up Bush - and only TWO from Bush to Kerry. The probability: as close to ZERO as you can get.
33. That Kerry would win the National Exit Poll of 13,047 (1.0% margin of error) (based on Party-ID weighting) by 50.9% to 47.1% and Bush would win with 50.73% of the vote. The odds: 1 in 2 trillion.
34. That Kerry would win the 21 million new voters by 3-2 over Bush (59%-39%) and still lose.
35. That Kerry would win in every calculation of the votes based on the following weighted National Exit Poll categories:
............ Bush.....Kerry.......Nader
GENDER...... 48.22% 50.78% 1.00% EDUCATION..48.05% 50.21% 1.17% INCOME...... 48.12% 51.42% 0.95% RACE......... 47.86% 50.94% 1.00% AGE........... 48.17% 50.53% 1.00% PARTY-ID... 47.77% 50.69% 0.92%
IDEOLOGY... 48.15% 49.85% 1.00% RELIGION.... 47.90% 50.85% 1.18% MILITARY.... 47.62% 51.20% 1.00% DECIDED..... 47.95% 51.23% 0.54% ISSUES...... 47.92% 50.80% 1.28% REGION...... 47.95% 50.53% 1.00% VOTED 2000. 47.09% 50.90% 1.19% AVERAGE..... 47.91% 50.76% 1.02% 36. That 99% of 50,000 reported voting machine anomalies, glitches and other incidents favored Bush, but it was all just a big coincidence.
37. That the USCountVotes.org document, signed by Dr. Freeman and 10 other Mathematics/Statistics Professors and researchers from major universities around the country, which concludes that the exit polls were right and the vote counts were wrong, should be discounted as just another conspiracy theory.