Dear Friends,
What better way to advance our Count Every Vote reform initiative than to show the power of democracy in action!
Last week I asked you to become a citizen co-sponsor of this vitally important reform legislation that Senator Barbara Boxer and I have made a top priority for 2005.
100,000 of you answered our call to action -- and the number is growing every day., we take the next step. This afternoon, I will step onto the Senate floor and formally introduce the Count Every Vote Act.
Providing paper receipts for electronic voting machines, creating uniform standards for provisional ballots, and guaranteeing adequate equipment to prevent long waiting lines are common-sense reforms. They will help strengthen our democracy and they are supported by the vast majority of Americans.
But here’s the reality. Many of the Republican leaders who make speeches about democracy abroad will resist this attempt to strengthen it here at home. They don’t want to face the issue of electoral reform, and they don’t want to vote on it - so they are going to try to ignore it.
That’s why I am committed to building grassroots momentum -- to insist on action for the Count Every Vote Act of 2005. We are going to show that the American people are determined to have fair, free and credible elections - our democracy demands no less!
100,000 citizen co-sponsors is a great start. But, it is only a start.
Will you continue to help me build support? Will you forward this email to your friends, and ask them to join us? The more citizen co-sponsors we have, the louder, and stronger, our voice will be!
Thank you,
Hillary Clinton