of ACA 3, to be amended as agreed
An Amendment to Article XXI of the California Constitution
Sponsor: Rep. McCarthy
Common Cause strongly urges the California legislature to refer ACA 3 to the ballot so that the voters of California have the opportunity to support this important reform.
Section 1. Establishment of an Independent Redistricting Commission
* Establishes a five-member panel of retired state judges to prepare the district plans for the state Senate, Assembly, congressional and Board of Equalization districts in the State of California following each decennial census.
* The amendment also ensures that panelists are nonpartisan (cannot have held partisan public office, political party office, or served as a registered lobbyist) and have no ambition to serve in partisan political office for at least five years.
* Creates a diverse pool of qualified judges, who are selected at random to serve on the panel.
* Ensures equal representation of the major political parties and that at least one member of the panel will be from neither major political party.
* Requires public hearings throughout the state, substantial public input and involvement in the process, an open redistricting process and restricts ex-parte communications.
* Requires that the panel seek input from independent experts to evaluate the plan.
* Requires that the panel's final plan be approved by four of the five members of the panel.
* Allows for a one-time mid-census redistricting prior to the 2006 General Election.
Section 2. Fair Redistricting Criteria
* Establishes criteria ensuring that the population of all districts is equal, that all districts are drawn in accordance with the United States Constitution and all federal laws, including the Federal Voting Rights Act.
* Requires that district boundaries conform to existing political boundaries and preserve communities of interest.
* Every district shall be contiguous and compact.
* Creates "nested" districts, wherein each Board of Equalization district would be comprised of 10 contiguous Senate districts and each Senate district would be comprised of two contiguous Assembly districts.
* Prohibits the use of party registration and voting history data in the initial phase of the mapping process but allows the panel of independent experts provided for in Section 1 to test maps for compliance with competitiveness goals.
* Prohibits the panel from identifying or considering the places of residence of incumbents or candidates in creating district boundaries.
* Requires the panel to create competitive districts where possible.
Sections 3 and 4. Judicial Review and Severability
Establish the California Supreme Court as the court of jurisdiction and provides that if any provision is found to be unconstitutional the remainder of the bill is in full effect.
They also held a really questionable, lame post-election symposium, as I recall, about election fraud. They invited the wrong people--no one who was on the right side, or truly objective, about the problem.
This just makes me furious.