This is another nail in the coffin of those naysayers who
claim exit polls are never right.
I have calculated the average weighted national percentages
for 12 exit poll demographics.
Clinton exit poll average was within 1.03% of his actual vote.
For Dole, it was closer: 0.46%
Perot was almost exact: 0.09%.
In 2000, Gore and Bush were each within 0.50%.
So what happened in 2004?
Kerry won the National Exit poll: 50.8% - 48.2%
Bush won the vote: 50.73% - 48.28%
That's a 2.5% deviation and the Margin of Error is 1.0%.
CATEG Clinton Dole Perot
Exit 48.17% 41.16% 8.49%
Actual 49.20% 40.70% 8.40%
Diff 1.03% 0.46% 0.09%
Sample size: 16,359 / Updated: 11/06/96 11:49 a.m.
CATEG Clinton Dole Perot
Gender 48.72% 40.88% 8.44%
Whites 43.20% 45.88% 9.44%
Race 48.76% 41.12% 8.34%
Age 48.85% 40.53% 8.69%
Income 48.89% 40.79% 7.45%
PartyId 48.74% 40.77% 8.46%
1992Vote 48.75% 41.18% 8.16%
Ideology 48.99% 41.14% 8.27%
Education 49.02% 39.64% 9.41%
Religion 48.22% 39.76% 9.23%
w/oPerot 47.77% 41.10% 7.45%
Decided 48.63% 39.97% 8.58%
Average 48.17% 41.16% 8.49%
Actual 49.20% 40.70% 8.40%
Gender All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Men 48 43 44 10 42 52 57 20.64% 21.12% 4.80%
Women 52 54 38 7 58 48 43 28.08% 19.76% 3.64%
48.72% 40.88% 8.44%
All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Men 48 38 49 11 42 51 57 18.24% 23.52% 5.28%
Women 52 48 43 8 58 49 43 24.96% 22.36% 4.16%
43.20% 45.88% 9.44%
Race All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
White 83 43 46 9 73 93 90 35.69% 38.18% 7.47%
Blacks 10 84 12 4 17 3 4 8.40% 1.20% 0.40%
Hispan 5 72 21 6 7 2 3 3.60% 1.05% 0.30%
Asians 1 43 48 8 1 1 1 0.43% 0.48% 0.08%
Other 1 64 21 9 2 1 1 0.64% 0.21% 0.09%
48.76% 41.12% 8.34%
Age All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
18-29 17 53 34 10 18 14 21 9.01% 5.78% 1.70%
30-44 33 48 41 9 32 33 34 15.84% 13.53% 2.97%
45-59 26 48 41 9 26 27 27 12.48% 10.66% 2.34%
60+ 24 48 44 7 23 25 19 11.52% 10.56% 1.68%
48.85% 40.53% 8.69%
Income All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
<15k 11 59 28 11 14 8 14 6.49% 3.08% 1.21%
15-30 23 53 36 9 25 20 24 12.19% 8.28% 2.07%
30-50 27 48 40 10 27 27 31 12.96% 10.80% 2.70%
50-75 21 47 45 7 20 23 17 9.87% 9.45% 1.47%
75-100 9 44 48 7 8 10 7 3.96% 4.32% 0.63%
100+ 9 38 54 6 7 12 7 3.42% 4.86% 0.54%
48.89% 40.79% 7.45%
PtyID All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Dem 39.4 84 10 5 68 10 23 33.10% 3.94% 1.97%
Rep 34.7 13 80 6 9 68 24 4.51% 27.76% 2.08%
Ind 25.9 43 35 17 23 22 53 11.14% 9.07% 4.40%
48.74% 40.77% 8.46%
92Vote All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Clinton 43 85 9 4 75 10 22 36.55% 3.87% 1.72%
Bush 35 13 82 4 10 69 18 4.55% 28.70% 1.40%
Perot 12 22 44 33 6 13 48 2.64% 5.28% 3.96%
Other 1 24 36 9 0 1 1 0.24% 0.36% 0.09%
No 9 53 33 11 9 7 11 4.77% 2.97% 0.99%
48.75% 41.18% 8.16%
Ideology All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Liberal 20 78 11 7 31 5 17 15.60% 2.20% 1.40%
Moderate 47 57 33 9 55 37 51 26.79% 15.51% 4.23%
Conservative 33 20 71 8 14 57 32 6.60% 23.43% 2.64%
48.99% 41.14% 8.27%
Education All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
No H.S. 6 59 28 11 8 4 8 3.54% 1.68% 0.66%
H.S Grad 24 51 35 13 25 21 32 12.24% 8.40% 3.12%
College 27 48 40 10 27 27 29 12.96% 10.80% 2.70%
CollGrad 26 44 46 8 23 30 21 11.44% 11.96% 2.08%
Post-Grad 17 52 40 5 18 18 10 8.84% 6.80% 0.85%
49.02% 39.64% 9.41%
Religion All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Protestant 38 41 50 8 32 47 33 15.58% 19.00% 3.04%
Catholic 29 53 37 9 31 27 27 15.37% 10.73% 2.61%
OthChrist 16 45 41 12 15 17 21 7.20% 6.56% 1.92%
Jewish 3 78 16 3 6 1 1 2.34% 0.48% 0.09%
Other 6 60 23 11 7 3 7 3.60% 1.38% 0.66%
None 7 59 23 13 9 4 11 4.13% 1.61% 0.91%
48.22% 39.76% 9.23%
All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
Clinton 50 91 3 5 93 4 30 45.50% 1.50% 2.50%
Dole 43 4 90 5 4 92 30 1.72% 38.70% 2.15%
NotVote5 11 18 56 1 2 36 0.55% 0.90% 2.80%
47.77% 41.10% 7.45%
All Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot Clinton Dole Perot
3Days 11 35 38 22 8 11 28 3.85% 4.18% 2.42%
Week 6 35 47 17 4 7 12 2.10% 2.82% 1.02%
Month 13 47 36 13 12 11 19 6.11% 4.68% 1.69%
Before69 53 41 5 75 70 41 36.57% 28.29% 3.45%
48.63% 39.97% 8.58%