...it has always bugged me that we seem to be so divided on these election reform issues. Even looking at BBV in isolation, without consideration of voting rights issues (which are obviously extremely important and must be championed as well), it seems that we are rather disorganized.
BBV.org has come under fire; Andy Stephenson has left the group. I hope he's going to recover from his illness, but it's a blow to us all to be sure.
I have personally been trying to get a handle on the Diebold hardware and software, thanks to some links I've found, but I'm sure there are those who have already done all this and are acutely aware of the problems.
There are all these bills in Congress and at the state level, yet none of them seem to address the whole e-voting problem.
Professionals such as Rubin and Mercuri have been on top of this for years and nothing seems to have come of it.
Does anyone know if NIST (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) is involved, and what's the consensus on that in the election reform community? It seems that they should be the ones leading the charge for standards for these machines. This is what they do -- Standards and Technology -- right? Have they been infiltrated by wing nuts or what?
If anyone has a better way for me to spend my time other than reading GEMS user manuals and analyzing VV bills and the like, I'd be interested, but please be nice! Like a lot of folks, I'm still new at this game. (But unfortunately, it's not a game.)
I just think we need a bit more centralized organization when it comes to this issue, or is it there and I've just missed it somehow? If DU is going to be it, that's fine too! What do you all think?