The New Boxer Rebellion
Democrats, Take A Lesson From Barbara Boxer and Howard DeanFebruary 27 2005
by W. David Jenkins III
“I have to say that I have never, ever, lost respect for the truth in the service of anything. I really hope that you will refrain from impugning my integrity.” – Condoleezza Rice to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, January 18, 2005.
I have to admit, the first thing out of my mouth when I heard the good doctor utter this amazing response was, “What on Earth are you talking about? What integrity?” Here’s the original Miss Mushroom Cloud getting miffed because some woman from California was calling her out for lying to everybody in the nation and not taking responsibility for her statements or their consequences.
And that’s just concerning Iraq. We won’t even go into her irresponsible behavior pre-9/11, as recent reports have shed light on her flirtatious relationship with the truth in regards to her testimony on that matter last year.
Barbara Boxer was called “mean-spirited” among other things by the opposition as well as the lazy, allegedly “liberal” media after Rice’s confirmation hearings. Conservatives moaned and whined that Boxer was being partisan and was trying to tarnish the image of such a fine upstanding American such as Dr. Rice. Once again, the Democrats were being blamed for feeding the atmosphere of bitter divisiveness that grips the inner sanctums of the Capitol. These pompous fat little Republican kings, who control all three branches of government, still play the “victim card” as they always do when they feel threatened.
Like Boxer, Dean makes conservatives and their media monkeys more than a little nervous. In fact, Dean and Boxer make the stuffy old status quo members of their own party nervous. Why? Because these two are not afraid to call ‘em like they see ‘em. They haven’t fallen victim to the Orwellian practice of telling themselves that up is down and war is peace that this administration has managed to implant into their followers and many of their critics.
Together, Howard Dean and Barbara Boxer are the DNC’s “newsflash” and all they need to do is shut up and pay attention to the message – and learn.
Much more:, I really wanted to post the entire article. :)