Getting the word out as broadly as possible is an important early goal.
The folks who put together yesterday's teach-in in Oakland, CA are fielding requests from other communities to help them put on teach-ins, and they're putting together a kit to help groups do teach-ins in their own communities. The teach-in was videotaped and will soon be available on DVD and VHS Email for more info. Using this videotaped material would allow you to get one or two live speakers and show some videotaped stuff.
There are also great handouts from the conference that can be used to create educational events. Contact Wellstone Renewal Democratic Club at, or Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue (The MMOb) at
For the teach-in I put together a list of specific current volunteer needs of eight different election juxtice/electino reform organizations. This is posted on solarbus at garybeck and I intend to expand on it and keep it updated. Doing these tasks would be a way for folks in your group to get a sense of other organizations and who you want to work with. So much of the work is done via the web that it doesn't really matter where you're located.
One thing I think is very important as you get started is that you take a look at whether or not the diversity in your group represents your community. If it doesn't, get to work on that right away. If you form a group that's all or nearly all white, for example, you'll set it up in ways white people are comfortable with, and it likely won't feel welcoming to people of color. Make connections in your communities.
And keep asking for help on DU!
Oh--one other thing. I'm available to lead workshops--including via conference call--on helping people get involved in social change. Please see my website: