Article published Feb 28, 2005
Looking for fraud? Keep your eye on the Democrats
For the Monitor
eople who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. This is a dictum that Douglas Schwarz, a liberal member of the Monitor's board of contributors, might ponder.
In his Feb. 12 offering, Schwarz rehashes the 2002 New Hampshire election phone-jamming controversy. Schwarz opines that Republicans consider the scandal "a small price to pay for ensuring that John Sununu wound up in the Senate instead of Jeanne Shaheen." He admits to dreaming of the Federal Election Commission overturning those results due to fraud.
It's time for a reality check. Schwarz's sentiments muddy the waters and undermine Sununu's stature.
The phone jamming, which all acknowledge was a bad idea, involved perhaps 800 calls, if that. Sununu defeated Shaheen by around 20,000 votes. The phone jamming had zero impact on the outcome.
But Schwarz is on to something. We should be concerned about election fraud. And much of it appears to emanate from his house.