Determine values of constrained variables required to derive a
target Kerry/Bush percentage split using aggregate exit poll
response data.
In this run, the TARGET GOAL was to match Bush's 51.25%
2-party vote.
Kerry won the exit poll with 52.14%.
Key results:
1) The output response curve is an inverted U skewed to Bush
partisanship precincts. The response curve interval was
constrained to [50%-60%] for this run.
50.0% 56.2% 53.6% 50.0% 50.0%
2) Bush needed to win 55.21% of refusers as he only won 47.86%
of responders.
Precinct Range Variables:
1) Response Rates are constrained to equal the input weighted
average within the (Low, High) range
2) Kerry win percentages: constrained within precinct interval
(Min, Max)
3) Alpha: 1.12 weighted average.
Input Constraints:
WPE constrained to match E-M
Response Ranges
Low 50%
High 60%
Avg 53.6%
Alpha 1.120
Respond 47.86%
Refuse 55.21%
Precincts Strong Bush Strong Kerry
1250 40 415 540 165 90
Kerry win%
Min 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Max 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
-6.77% WPE -10.00% -6.10% -8.50% -5.90% 0.30%
48.2% Kerry 8% 25% 53% 71% 100% < Kerry win pcts
1.12 Alpha 1.85 1.15 1.09 1.04 1.00 < K/B response ratio
53.6% Resp% 50.0% 56.2% 53.6% 50.0% 50.0% < response curve
670 Resp 20 233 289 82 45 < total responders
345 K Resp 3 68 168 61 45 < Kerry responders
325 B Resp 17 165 122 21 0 < Bush responders
52.14%K Resp 14.2% 29.2% 57.9% 74.1% 99.7% < Kerry exit
47.86%B Resp 85.8% 70.8% 42.1% 25.9% 0.3% < Bush exit
265 K Ref 1 40 122 56 45 < Kerry Refusals
315 B Ref 19 141 128 26 0 < Bush refusals
609 TotalK 4 109 290 117 90 < Total Kerry Vote
641 TotalB 36 306 250 48 0 < Total Bush vote
51.25% B Total 90.9% 73.9% 46.3% 28.8% 0.1% < Bush Vote
48.75% K Total 9.1% 26.1% 53.7% 71.2% 99.9% < Kerry vote
-2.50% Kv-Bv -81.7% -47.7% 7.4% 42.4% 99.7% <Vote margin
4.28% Kp-Bp -71.7% -41.6% 15.9% 48.3% 99.4% <exit margin
-6.78% WPE -10.0% -6.1% -8.5% -5.9% 0.3% < within precinct
47.86% B Exit% 85.8% 70.8% 42.1% 25.9% 0.3% < Bush exit
55.21% B Ref% 95.9% 77.8% 51.2% 31.8% 0.0% < Req. Bush
-6.77% WPE -10.0% -6.1% -8.5% -5.9% 0.3% < Target WPE
-0.01% Tol 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%